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Messages - VLS

Meta-selection / Re: Trigger-packs concept
December 12, 2012, 11:31:20 PM
Was publishing it!

Example of a T-pack with 5 numbers:

- Last repeater number. (1)

- Last "Hole neighbors". (2)

- Largest zone neighbors. (2)

Note: a hole neighbor can also be a largest zone neighbor so they can be less numbers, but we still consider it a fiver one.
Meta-selection / Trigger-packs concept
December 12, 2012, 11:01:49 PM
The concept of "Trigger packs" is simple.

It's an evolution of the multiple methods working together.

This time the winning and losing annotations are given by any of the selected triggers added to the pack.

In other words, a set of triggers are acting as one. You ponder them like one, you use them in unison.
Of course, I'm all-in to ban personal attacks. Providing criticism and testing results of a method has nothing to do with attacking the poster at the personal level  :nod:

A public forum without personal attacks is the way to go, and that's where we're heading to :rose:
As a fellow friend mentioned he now prefers private groups than open forums, it begs the question: are we better off discussing openly or in private?

As the admin of this forum I am of course biased on the public side, but I do want to know the opinions of the fellows around.

First reason:

- People get introduced to others in the public forums.

Possible new fine contributing members are automatically out of the picture in a private environment. That is detrimental in my view.

Another reason:

- More people is exposed to your ideas, with more personal views available.

Sure in private circles criticism is none. i.e. in numerology groups 31-13 is the bible. Post it in a public forum and you'll get testers giving you factual data of it not being any better than any other combination.

I guess it depends on what you want. A pat on the back or open criticism.
General Discussion / Re: Mission statement.
December 12, 2012, 03:31:55 PM
P.S: a mission statement is what rules are made for. It's the ultimate goal of the forum for which rules are made and enforced  :nod:

Hence it's important we have one.
General Discussion / Mission statement.
December 12, 2012, 03:31:19 PM
Recently a top forum fellow remarked we need a mission statement. I agree.

Please give your own examples.

We are talking about statements like:

"To provide a clean environment for discussion of roulette and gambling"

General Discussion / Re: Spell check activated
December 12, 2012, 03:28:53 PM
It is a popup. You might need to whitelist the site with your popup blocker!
General Discussion / Spell check activated
December 12, 2012, 01:32:36 PM
Its right next to preview button...  :)

This log serves to keep precedents and learn what is not acceptable here in our place.

The actual purpose is to remind us we must be mature enough to avoid attacking each other at the personal level.

This is essentially what we want the fine fellows around to internalize:

[...]people can learn how to respectfully disagree.  They can learn how to question the system and the rules without questioning the intelligence of the poster. 
General Discussion / MOVED: The Juggler
December 12, 2012, 12:25:09 AM
This topic has been moved to Straight-up.

Thanks for posting it!

Straight-up / Re: "Double trio" evolution
December 11, 2012, 08:55:29 PM
Thanks for the interest, I'll make some time to drive an example with illustrations up.

The double trio isn't that much of a difficult pattern to grasp once you see it highlighted  :nod:
Roulette Xtreme / Roulette Xtreme official site
December 11, 2012, 01:10:08 PM

Hopefully someone from UX staff gets to register around  :nod:
First one:
Somebody invite Kimo Li:nod:
General Discussion / Somebody invite... (missed members)
December 10, 2012, 10:25:23 PM
Hey guys, since this is a tight community I thought about making a "somebody invite" thread, for missed members of the community.

I'll be pleased to upgrade missed members who register.

If any of you maintain contact with any of the mentioned members, talk to him/her about this place.

The fellow member might enjoy us and be grateful, as much as we will for you to sharing our humble space.
Archive / Re: [RELEASE] Last Dozen/Column generator v0.1
December 10, 2012, 11:29:31 AM
You must feed the program a properly formatted file:

- One number per line.

- No blanks/white-spaces.