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Messages - VLS

Gambling Philosophy / Re: [Manrique] The Golden Rule
December 07, 2012, 06:58:31 PM
Very good advice indeed.

I have referred to this as the "maximum drawdown" approach in the past. It is a great assistance when playing the averages game.
Gambling Philosophy / [Manrique] The Golden Rule
December 07, 2012, 06:57:26 PM
"Each chip gained must be thrown into the pocket."

This means that if we take 100 chips to the casino, the only way to lose those 100 is to never having been on a winning balance phase (we will see this case). But when that happens maybe the game is telling us we should not continue to lose the 100.

General Discussion / Re: At least one (1) post a month
December 07, 2012, 04:35:50 PM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 07, 2012, 04:33:03 PM
Not bad.
Not at all indeed.

It is a "give one, get many" for the individual; but as a whole, those 1's spawn more discussion and grow us pushing the place forward.
General Discussion / At least one (1) post a month
December 07, 2012, 04:31:31 PM
Hello guys,

I'm coding a forum modification so members must make at least one (1) post a month to get full access.

Hopefully it will "wake" some of the quality posters around and bring in some fresh faces to the fore.

Those who don't want to contribute any post can take a reader membership, with software access.

It isn't much right, only a single post to consider it an active member for the month.

It can't only be take, take, take. We are all better if we give a little to keep the place active and thriving.
Proof has been given his own personal space:

We're happy for him and sure feel glad to have him around in our ranks too!  :thumbsup:

Don't miss the section's introduction:

My humble view:

Sharing with a fellow human is an universally recognized value, but it stops at the toothbrush.

I think it's a matter of balance.

While I do agree we are moving forward by working upon other's previous work, it is undeniable there are some things that are irreplaceable as our personal experiences. Both 3rd-party knowledge and personal experience have a weight in our formation.

When dealing with gambling it is great to know the standard math of the game inside-out.

One must explore, be curious, and yes: make our own mistakes. Good thing is in gambling you don't need to lose your hard-earned money to learn from your own mistakes. If you are pragmatic and accept there's no difference in outcomes whether you are present or not, then you can accept trying out your ideas/methods on past actuals is just as valid as being there wagering.

Given people don't need to lose money to convince themselves about something working or not since that's what testing is there for, then there's no harm.

My advice is balance when dealing with this; Learn, use and enjoy the knowledge left by those before you, but also explore, make your own trials, get your own conclusions.
Bravo for posting it ! :thumbsup: :applause:
Bravo Ralph!!  :applause: :applause:

Members sure are to be appreciative  :nod: :thumbsup:
Archive / Re: [DEV] LastXSplits
December 05, 2012, 03:20:22 AM
Release = "This month"  :)
Straight-up / Re: Cyclic wakers
December 05, 2012, 03:13:34 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 05, 2012, 03:07:37 AM
Let's say 34 woke up and then hit.  Do I drop it from the array or bet it again?

Two things can happen:

1) Hit puts you in the plus (even +1).

Cycle is over.

2) After the hit you are still in the minus.

In this case you rise +1 on every number you are betting KEEPING THE 34 ACTIVE, and continue with your tracking.
Straight-up / Re: Cyclic wakers
December 05, 2012, 02:58:09 AM
P.S. You re-use previous 37 numbers in order to save time.

Break even point is also good to close the cycle.
Straight-up / Cyclic wakers
December 05, 2012, 02:51:51 AM
Start with a "window" of the last 37 spins.

As new numbers go by, you drop the last one. Always keeping a 37-spin view.

Your focus group are the sleepers on the last 37 spins.

When one of them "wakes" (hits) the game starts: you bet this number and start adding spins to your window.. making it a 38-spin window, 39-spin, 40-spin and so on. Always keeping an eye on the wakers.

You continue tracking and adding every waker as they surface.

On a hit, check bankroll balance. If on the plus, close the cycle; if on the negative, rise +1 unit on every number bet and continue.

The game finishes either on any plus or at spin #74.
"Is it better for the fugitive to change hideout each day to one of his 37 houses randomly -knowing that the guards would only seek a randomly chosen one each day- or would it be better to stay in a single house, waiting for him to be lucky to have more time keeping himself there hoping the guards would step him over without looking..... ??? ??? ."
Quote from: VLS on December 05, 2012, 12:58:17 AM
do not make the mistake of letting all the gains go at the first loss.

I take it he means at the first sign of a loss, keep your eyes open for it can continue, and it's better to withdraw.

"Every bad streak starts with a loss", he said.
Everything finally concludes, nothing can escape, everything has an end, everything ends

This goes for good and bad streaks.

If you're in a bad streak it is best to lose as little as possible for the duration of it or stop playing until it changes, and if it returns stop playing altogether

If we take it in a good streak take advantage of it, but do not make the mistake of letting all the gains go at the first loss.

Manrique, the wise