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Messages - VLS

We all know what a Zone 4 is. Four consecutive numbers spun on the wheel.

Super zone 4 is the same concept extended to any number of pockets in between.

In 0/1 notation:


The floating square concept is simple. We also know the concept of a regular square or 4-number corner, one next to the other. The floating variation simply makes the corner have any number of spaces in between. As long as they make a quadrilateral on the felt.

Let's illustrate with numbers submitted by RouletteFan on previous thread:

Quote from: TooCoolDev on December 03, 2014, 07:29:21 PM
Nobody tried my program?


Hello dear TCD,

Most roulette testing is done via desktop programs currently. Although there's certainly a positive view for mobile demand, your best bet right now to get most exposure should be building regular non-mobile programs, even if to let users know you are capable of both.

There's a new software site of us at http://betsoftware.cc
Posting one of two "modules" for our software when fully launched might help you get more exposure for your apps in the long run. People usually like mobile versions of their favorite desktop apps. Cheers!)
December 03, 2014, 11:52:22 AM
This principle for time-line players is based on tracking all possible time-lines, according to the betting locations number or cycle.

Succession tracking is just that. Tracking time-lines one after the other. It's quite simple:

- If there are 3 betting locations then you track the succession of 3 time-lines:

Say you are tracking the event "Hit on dominant dozen from last 3 spins".

There are 3 dozens/betting locations (a cycle of three).

They make the following 3 time-lines to be tracked:

Prev tracked spins / Entered spin
1-3 / 4
2-4 / 5
3-5 / 6

This is suitable for software tracking. The more locations, the more time-lines to track.

The most positive aspect is it gives your tracked event the whole picture of what would happen should you had started one "spin before or one spin after".

You have all possible choices covered and of course are able to switch freely.

At times it is a matter of being off one or two spins to turn the exact current bet selection from a losing one to a winning one. This gives you "eyes" to see the whole picture for successive cycles and adjust.

By the way, the more "dynamic" version of this being:

Super-Zone 4 + Floating Squares
Then track cycle from spins 25 to 36:



No match but no big exposure either.

You get the gist. Tracking 12 spins at a time.

This is a system with low chip exposure in shaky times (usually) and streaky on the good ones. With a proper MM some fellows sure can find value on it.
Then process next cycle of 12 spins (form spin 13 to 24):



There was no match with previous cycle. Proceed with next one.
Quote1) Track 12 spins (Base cycle).

We start wit a blank layout:


Then process first 12 spins:

N  Z  R
-- -- -- 

Ending up with this layout:

My pleasure dear RF, please provide a batch of consecutive numbers from any actuals file of your choice. It is easy once you visualize it with a highlighted example.

This is just another way to select bets.
Meta-selection / Re: Steady locations concept
November 27, 2014, 04:29:52 PM
The steady locations concept is, well, steady.

This is one of those foundations which can build a solid system with a good MM attached to it.

Steady locations go throughout the game; so no matter how many numbers you play, you can track this event.
The possibilities are truly diverse with cycle pairing techniques. Good thing is chances to bet do come in cycles (i.e. clump), and -of course- with cycle pairing you're never betting on real sleeper events.
Server move is complete. We're officially hosted on BetSoftware.cc's server at no cost, so no more hosting pledges for us here :thumbsup:

As long as there's an active and profitable BetSoftware.cc site we're granted an sponsored existence for our BetSelection group too.

Now, this brings us to priorities. Top priority right now is to launch BetSoftware's services. Two new moderators have been appointed to cover for the new focus demanded by my new “job” as a full-time BetSoftware coder (or -better expressed- they are returning to the moderating crew):

  • Mr J.
  • Bayes.
You all know them so there's no need for introductions to be made  8) They both are very proficient moderators. We are very fortunate to have them here to assist our beloved board.

We're heading towards a 2015 of success! One addition at a time... or -in this case- two :)

General Discussion / Re: The new forum
November 25, 2014, 04:28:58 AM
Hello dear Walter, concise with you -as you appreciate the most- here:

Quote from: wannawin on November 24, 2014, 02:20:58 PMFirst: Thank you for opening it. I hope in the end it can be a forum to reach fruition.

My/our pleasure.

The software is advanced enough to be a "contender". By removing the support links from here and moving this site to BetSoftware's server, we are literally betting our community's destiny on its success.

Rest assured it is meant to be successful.

Quote from: wannawin on November 24, 2014, 02:20:58 PMSecond: No registration button at all. There is nothing that says sign up or register.

The site doesn't feature a floating registration bar for guests (yet).

You can find the regular registration link by clicking on the small "stack" (facebook/modern-like menu icon) on the upper-right.

Quote from: wannawin on November 24, 2014, 02:20:58 PMThird: As I went to the other site from betselection it was a letdown. Why is it so ugly? Can the look be improved?. The black color does not sit well.

Unlike here where discussion per se is the main focus, on the new site it is software.

Since software is king and it is a commercial venture, we need it as trimmed as possible to have the download and paypal buttons focused. The theme isn't finished but you'll get to see and eventually "get" the minimalist approach adjusted to our purpose.

We want people to download the program, support and subscribe. These three are in the spotlight for design.

Quote from: wannawin on November 24, 2014, 02:20:58 PMThat is all for now. When the new sign ups are activated I will publish there. Greetings.


As soon as you're in we can discuss your section's name "over there". Many thanks for caring [smiley]afb/tup.gif[/smiley]
General Discussion / No more donations at BetSelection.cc
November 22, 2014, 02:13:24 PM
Hello guys, the paypal support button has been removed to leave behind the polemic community support model we've been running our site with.

We're preparing a new software-oriented site at BetSoftware.cc with a clear goal of both offering free & open-source programs to our community as well as selling related software services (i.e. automatic updates, early-version previews, others) with the purpose of being self-sufficient.

Hopefully with this clear separation of concerns, and the bonus of a paid server thanks to BetSoftware, we can enjoy a healthier, controversy-free community here at our gambling discussion space.

We continue to move forward and consolidate.
Quote from: wannawin on November 16, 2014, 01:00:40 PMWhen is the new forum going to open?

BetSoftware.cc site's bought, we're waiting for the host provisioning.

It might still take a day to be set-up and fully open.

Quote from: wannawin on November 16, 2014, 01:00:40 PMWill the new forum have a mission statement?


Quote from: wannawin on November 16, 2014, 01:00:40 PMIt must have a clear purpose

It does have a clear purpose, so clearly defined as catering to software discussion, the site doesn't allow system/method discussion per se.

Quote from: wannawin on November 16, 2014, 01:00:40 PMI prefer to be told things straight and know what to expect

Good policy. The site's domain is bought for a year. On November 21st 2015 we review site's success to ponder renewal. This gives the new website a year of existence to prove itself. I'm certain it'll pay its own existence with ease; gambling software is a very useful niche. There's a "system du jour" at all times, so we can only expect a good reception and a good level of activity in 2015. The sort of activity needed for it to be renewed.

General Discussion / Let's be gentler to each other
November 21, 2014, 09:38:02 PM
Fellows. Let's try to be gentler when addressing fellow members. Words convey messages; there are better and not-so-better ways to broadcast our what we want to communicate.

Let's avoid accusing each other when we don't know the whole picture. It is better to simply ask for the unclear facts rather than making assumptions, and then acting based on them.

For instance, member Alrelax is being quite generous with his offer, we ARE grateful to him and cheer on his support; now, there has been a “hiccup” due to normal banking delays; it is solved by now. This isn't ground to make conjectures.

On my side I myself am trying to create a virtuous cycle of free software to the community at large with a non-competing forum (BetSoftware.cc), with the added benefit of moving the support to it, so BetSelection is once and for all clear from the "donations stigma", to bear a fruitful forum away from financial considerations thanks to BetSoftware.

There's no big conspiracy here.

We are *all* simply trying to give a little for our common good.

...There's no "gambling players industry" per se, we are all building it as we go along, so let's get along. We are here to stay, it's better to have a nice & enjoyable ride together.

Remember: the "gambling forum scene" is you.
