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Messages - VLS

Roulette Forum / Re: EXCEL Module Manager
November 07, 2014, 08:25:25 AM
Quote from: witzi on November 04, 2014, 08:26:09 PMHow i can find more of EXCEL Manager.

Hi witzy, if you mean our BetSoftware's Excel Module Manager, you can always find the very latest releases when you subscribe:


Once you're in, some new sections will appear; just monitor the one named "The Tracker". We are posting the newest releases there.


General Discussion / Re: Ronjos Climb
November 01, 2014, 11:31:49 AM
Quote from: Ronjo on November 01, 2014, 05:40:06 AM
Hello Vic,

Thank you for the welcome,and I am honoured that I will be working with our old friends from back in the old days,
and excited to get started.

And I must congratulate you on a great Forum, I am impressed.

Best Regards


Excitement goes both ways. We can't wait to see you bringing your most-interesting roulette posts to your section dear friend [smiley]afb/tup.gif[/smiley]

P.S. congrats go to members in the whole forum & staff; I'm merely one in our M.C. crew :nod:
General Discussion / Re: Ronjos Climb
October 31, 2014, 08:40:26 PM
Ronnie! [smiley]welcome/wave_welcome.gif[/smiley] dear friend. SO nice to hear from you.

Part of the old gang is still kicking & active in here and rouletteforum.cc

We have expanded to other games so you'll soon find this is "roulette +" discussion. Casino games and gambling in general have the same foundations so it unites us.

Once again so GLAD to see our South-African Lion back [smiley]afb/tup.gif[/smiley]

The four freedoms we abide to are:

  • Freedom 0: The freedom to run the program for any purpose.
  • Freedom 1: The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do what you wish.
  • Freedom 2: The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
  • Freedom 3: The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements (and modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole community benefits.
Hello dear Walter, I'm trying to be concise here.

BetSoftware is a PLATFORM for developing trackers, testers, clickers and bots.

It is "Freer" than other software because you can grab the binary from here at no cost: http://betselection.cc/download AND you have the 4 freedoms guaranteed since our software is released under the GPL license; the whole source code is released alongside as a gift to the community at http://github.com/betselection

Last but not least, if the member chooses to support BetSoftware, there is a subscription available for enjoying the early development process, as well as other goodies (i.e. an auto-updater is on the way): http://betselection.cc/subscribe :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Thanks to our heroes for Sep-Oct
October 30, 2014, 03:09:25 AM
Thanks to our heroes for Sep-Oct:


After last month's episode when we were at the brink of a blackout, we can be happy to say several fellow caring members have stepped-in to hit the button and gave their support to our community.

Thanks to them we could pay the "troublesome $30" from last month and -thankfully- have also covered this month too.

They are true caring heroes. We're all are necessarily grateful for their kindness. Their effort is certainly a motive of happiness to the staff and members alike; our supportive fellows are the pillars where our community stands.

Thank you very much guys. Your effort was a vital part for us to continue to live long and prosper, fostering a caring community; you've set the example.

:rose: [smiley]skype/heart.gif[/smiley]
General Discussion / Re: Global Library of systems?
October 30, 2014, 01:06:51 AM
Quote from: wannawin on October 29, 2014, 10:31:02 PM
In the end will we be able to make a database assisted by members of this forum?
Its creation was approved YES or NO? Thank you.

Walter, you know I'm most-willing to implement anything in favor of our community.

I'd be totally willing and glad to open such a database for fellow members to use and enjoy in full. Now, please understand; what I can't -really can't- do at this time is making a commitment to maintaining it (i.e. browsing actively through every system, rating them, do constant proofreading / editing, etc.) my plate's full as it is.

I have a nighttime shift already for trying to make our BetSoftware and other tech projects be what they can be in favor of this community.

Please notice this isn't a "NO"; this is a: no problem in opening/implementing the database, as well as its accessory search utility; yet in all honesty can't commit to monitoring it at the required rate in order to achieve the level fellow members deserve to enjoy such a compilation completely.

OK, now onto the bright side. My humble offer:

- Building the database schema in a most-portable format such as sqlite, for members to download to their computer easily.

- Hosting the most up-to-date version here at our server with a web-based search utility for looking it up online.

- Building a (very) simple pre-moderation mechanism for anyone who is designed the curator of the database to use. A simple approve / edit / delete page. Nothing fancy.

- After creating the schema and related utilities, my work stops there. My further involvement would be only to add features / update the related utilities, time permitting of course.

I'm speaking clearly to you as I know you appreciate. The ball's in your court now  :nod:

Quote from: RTB on October 27, 2014, 02:31:45 PM1 person pays full price, others get it for free).

Yes, the guy of the "horrible software idea" was me :'( At times I'm over-idealistic.

The idea, nonetheless, could have brought something very positive around. A free-for-all already-paid-for library of code available to everyone. The "others" ultimately being our whole community of users. (It's been trial and error)

...and greenguy did nothing wrong, he's just stating the obvious view to him. It's no secret I take my share of time; I'm still on a mission to mend.
General Discussion / @RTB (section offering)
October 28, 2014, 04:25:40 AM
Hello dear RTB,

Here's an offering for you to have a section in our community software's boards for kick-starting your software initiative.

This way you can start offering early-releases to our members for getting feedback, begin advertising your announcements and -in general- start with an audience of an already-registered members base.

Rest assured: unlike the feisty atmosphere some would want coders to have to foster division and fierce competition, here we're first in line to extend our assisting hands when there's something beneficial for the community.

Your software initiative can certainly bring something positive. We would be honored to host the initial pages for setting your brand.


P.S. Another LONG progression coming to my mind is the progression in risk comprised by six (6) 36-unit parachutes, with strategy:

- Start one after the other at the even-chance level.

- On a hit you use the parachute covering the least (and hence paying more).

- On a loss, you use the parachute(s) covering the most (to try to get the much-needed hits to sustain the game in order to stay the longest).

This technique was widely studied at some spanish-speaking study groups. Over the English-speaking forums it was member GGasoft who advocated it.
Hello dear Sumit,

When you talk about progression for long sessions, I can relate it to progression in the style of the "boom" technique for a single number; rising the base unit back and forth, consciously.

ie. after two missed tries player goes back to minimal unit while keeping track of current unit size. Later on right after a successful attack the player resumes further attacks back at the same tracked unit size level.

When dealing with measuring after those 200-some "short" sessions, -likewise- a boom-style money management for several numbers at a time (working cooperatively) can be worth a try.

With the added benefit of knowing there's a clear stop-loss “check-point”, with no chasing.
General Discussion / Re: 0 00 1 2 3
October 27, 2014, 03:26:06 AM
Quote from: Mr J on October 27, 2014, 03:02:33 AMSo the players *CREATE* the hold (held).


Expanding the concept of the casino hold in relation to the individual, as a real-life value it can even get to be a hold value of 100% for the player who continues to bet and bet until his bankroll is depleted. Session after session, like clockwork.

In the individual context, the average hold is most-related to the betting time and the number of “passes” the single player's bankroll makes (x times wagered, expected to be diminished at the rate of the house edge). The calculation is expected to be quite linear since there aren't other players to skew the overall values (as it happens when considering all players in a certain shift).

Still, since it is a value deriving from what happens in real-life, calculating casino's hold per player visit is an inexact science. With a $1000 buy-in, you can get up mad when losing $400 without ever winning anything (40% held) or you can leave the table with a happy $550 win (negative -55% hold for the casino).

It's easier for them to calculate it per shift.

General Discussion / Re: 0 00 1 2 3
October 27, 2014, 02:28:28 AM
 :) :) Hi Ken, rest assured it's all the same for you.

Theory vs Reality for the casino here.

House edge = their theoretical edge on the player, set in stone in the game's math.

Hold = What actually happens when players sit at the table.

Remember: as a real-life fluctuating value the hold can as well be NEGATIVE to the casino.

Your win, in fact, reflects as leaning the balance towards a negative hold to them unless other players make it up for you. Unlike the house edge (being fixed in stone), their hold in cold hard cash can suck for the shift in your table (I.e when you win big).

QuoteIt is calculated by “Total in – amount paid out = hold.” Typically, this is referred to in percentages.

Since the hold isn't calculated PER PLAYER, but PER TABLE, it doesn't apply to your $1000 bankroll unless you are the sole player in the shift.

If players bought-in for $10,000 and the casino paid $8000, then the casino held $2000 (their 20% hold).

For the casino, the calculation that matters the most when calculating the shift is this:

Cash in – Cash out = what we won (The Hold)

As simple as that.

General Discussion / Re: 0 00 1 2 3
October 27, 2014, 12:02:56 AM
Hi Ken, always nice to read your posts. You certainly give 'em a twist!

Quote from: Mr J on October 26, 2014, 06:45:49 PMWhich is better (or neither) >>> You have 5 $1 chips. Betting all 5 on the 0,00,1,2,3 (pays 6:1) OR $1 each on the 0 00 1 2 3?

Betting on the straight-ups at regular 5.26% house edge, instead of 7.89% for the top line.

Quote from: Mr J on October 26, 2014, 06:45:49 PMI asked floor what the H.A. is for 00 roulette (I play stupid), he said around 19%. WTF?

Maybe he was referring to the "hold" for the casino he works at:

Quote from: wikipediaThe house edge should not be confused with the "hold". The hold is the average percentage of the money originally brought to the table that the player loses before he leaves—the actual "win" amount for the casino. The Casino Control Commission in Atlantic City releases a monthly report showing the win/hold amounts for each casino. The average win/hold for double zero wheels is between 21–30%, significantly more than the 5.26% house edge.

Quote from: Bayes on October 19, 2014, 10:56:48 AMI did ask Vic to delete "Slacker" when I re-registered as "Bayes"

Deleting accounts leaves a "hole" in the database; besides there's always risk of impersonation.

It's better for accounts to be idle, keeping functionalities for members (view posts from user, etc.) rather than zapped from the database!

(I do like the "Slacker" user by the way, fun guy  :D)