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Messages - VLS

Bayes' Blog / Re: The Prediction Formula
October 19, 2014, 10:28:42 AM
Quote from: Bayes on October 19, 2014, 07:40:37 AMI'm working on my own blog/web site which will have the same info, plus some software and stats relating to roulette and systems.


Don't forget to announce it around + adding it to your signature [smiley]welcome/handshake.gif[/smiley]

Coming from you, the community knows it's quality :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Popular Excel Sheets?
October 18, 2014, 05:19:23 PM
Folks, what are the popular Excel sheets used around?

Our BetSoftware has full support for generating ExcelBot modules. Now it's time to expand to other excel-based formats.

If possible, kindly comment about the actual excel spreadsheets you use regularly.

In the framework of our anniversary week, member Alrelax opened a new blog section to bring experiences and casino life to the spotlight:



Our "Forum Baby" turned two (2) years old.

It is a great time to bring an aura of positivity and creative participation to our board.

Let's take the opportunity to use this thread to make those announcements that make our community a better and more fertile space for productive discussion.

Happy Birthday BetSelection!!

October 09, 2014, 04:05:58 PM
Answered privately by PM already, you might have missed it. Kindly check out.
Quote from: wannawin on October 06, 2014, 10:10:43 PMLast month when talking of forum blackout it was a talk of a temporary closure OR obliteration of all posts in the forum?

TEMPORARY, of course.

We have our data located in three (3) physical locations: main server, backup server plus local HDD.

The blackout would have been in place until I freelanced for the 'gap' to cover it. Within the week for sure. We have only had a longer-lasting outage once. For sure, we were talking days. Thanks to the timely support we enjoy continuous service :thumbsup:

...We are safe and sound now. With the better assurance for continuity: we value our data the most. We constantly take more proactive measures than the regular "daily backup" from regular sites; even running a paranoid 15-minute backup schedule, for the whole database plus every file, with a 7-day retention span. "Just in case".

Having said it at this time, we must continue to move forward to leave this behind! It's time to enjoy our active premises the best way, past the "bump" on the road [smiley]skype/handshake.gif[/smiley]

For instance, you can enjoy our latest software releases for the community in their newly-made dedicated Download page:


Cheers! [smiley]skype/sun.gif[/smiley]
New version with GUT Tracker (Twocat) included:


Quote from: wannawin on October 06, 2014, 11:01:02 PM
Will there be support for BASIC 256?

Yes, but right now focus is Excel support.
Quote from: greenguyI am running this roulette forum and accessory coding ambitions in order to generate some income to help my family survive in a harsh economic environment. Any monetary assistance for my hard work and efforts would be greatly appreciated.

Green, can I adapt a version of this copy for my signature?

Once the BetSoftware is released, this is going to be in fact my goal; both to make a profitable venture out of the software offering to help my family, as well as giving all-free versions of it away to help the community at large.

(Read: 100% free downloads for the public while selling related extra services to improve the experience for those opting to them i.e. auto-update, early releases, extra goodies...).

Hi guys,

I'm building our free GUT tracker and need some help to understand the "Canonical" GUT methodology.

Goal is to have exactly what a regular user would expect from something labeled as tracking the GUT.

In your own words, how would you describe the GUT methodology.?

Thank you!
Quote from: greenguy on September 30, 2014, 07:40:30 AMWhy is it that Victor's forums are the ONLY ones that ever asked for money from members?

1) My country isn't particularly #1 in the web hosting field. We don't have easy access to foreign currency here, so yes, the sites have been running thanks to the generosity of members.

2) At times it has been to sponsor a new forum feature or piece of software. That's all :)

Quote from: greenguy on September 30, 2014, 07:40:30 AMIn the past I have donated, and quite a bit too, even set up monthly auto payment through paypal for a while, but NEVER again.

I've never been afforded any real gratitude for my charity, and have usually been treated as less than one of the free loaders. So now you lot can pay up, as I for one am done.

For the record...

I publicly express a big thank you for your generosity.


Also thanks a lot for being around. We aren't driven by seeking financial support but we have a true drive to build a community of gentlemen. You are one.
We continue advancing.
This is one of the release candidate versions for your enjoyment:

100% FREE Download page: http://betselection.cc/download/


1) Unzip.
2) Run BetSoftware_Loader.exe

...You can guide yourself on usage by following this video:



- Excel sheets to module.
@All fellows.

Thanks for the concern and support.

1) Let's get past it :nod:. Nobody's aiming at looting the mentioned $30! Certainly not me, nor mods. This was strictly for site support.

2) Rest assured this is being addressed. We're having a viable software product for us to gather enough funds a month, with only six (6) "fiver" sales required to sustain ourselves.

This all occurred out of my belief of a September release, but making these sort of unlimited-flexibility architectures isn't trivial. Good thing is we have it already available this month and we're populating a new subscription already, including versions of our new "reboot" software released.

I'm mostly working for this in the "night shift". (Read late-night hours).

Yes, I've been a living zombie for the past few weeks, but it has been worth. It is finished, it currently consumes the all-popular Excel sheet format, has unlimited expand-ability and we're set to bring a very positive "silent revolution" to our small community of forums, where everyone gets something good.

The "core" of it is free and open, so coders from other communities (not just English-based, but world-wide) can grab the sources and re-use our software works at http://github.com/betselection/

We as BetSelection.cc are getting the benefit of being the "Official upstream" / headquarter; hosting added-value services, early previews, etc.

These sort of open architectures have proven themselves. We retain the main benefit of being the Official source, so we can expect an influx of users from all other gambling communities which benefit from it (Spanish, German, French, Italian, etc.).

We are in fact upgrading our community to another octave this October. Everyone's invited and welcome to participate from it.

Back to coding.
Agreed wholeheartedly dear Sumit.
We give it "goodies"! :)

Chances are it's the new post page. I'm currently balacing local work + BetSoftware.

Since the new post page seems to be the most wanted mod, that's where 'web coding' time should be spent more heavily :nod:.

(BTW, you can follow progress on BetSoftware's public sources at: http://github.com/betselection)

October's young :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: Triply important support!
September 29, 2014, 08:00:35 PM
Quote from: wannawin on September 29, 2014, 02:57:21 AMSorry friends.

No harm. It is the most natural reflex to these internet support campaigns. Entirely reasonable, nothing to be concerned about with us here.

Quote from: wannawin on September 29, 2014, 02:57:21 AMwe are stingy community

Not true. This community is a generous one. It is a community worth giving our efforts and time.

Support is not only measured in money, there are other forms of support worth much more than the one attached to the currency sign.

At this time the regular fellows may have passed, but it doesn't mean they are enemies nor does it mean they stand against us. It means we have to re-gain them by offering more, to make us worth of their kindness again  :nod: