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Messages - VLS

The true "Long-term Gold" of BetSoftware being providing users the ability to compound features coded by different programmers without touching a single line of code.

This being done without requiring programmers to communicate or cooperate in coordination with each other, but obtained as a natural side product of the development of BetSoftware-compatible code. Each programmer does his/her thing, publishes, then the sum of the parts is enriched, for the benefit of everyone involved.
The goal:  Click, click, click = a tracker.

Click, click, click = a clicker.

Click, click, click, click = a different tracker, made by the user with just a click of difference, on his own without having to edit anything code-wise.

  • "Functional scalability: The ability to enhance the system by adding new functionality at minimal effort." (Wikipedia)
Our main aim with BetSoftware is to make it an example of functional scalability.

This means new functionality can be added by writing "to-the-point" modules dealing with very defined parts. Allowing an easy "chaining" of them.

For instance, it doesn't only aims to split new coding into parts, but reusing as much of other code as possible, without having to modify single line of code in order mix and reuse.

The functionality of BetSoftware becomes the sum of many independent parts.
Thanks for posting this Dane [smiley]skype/yes.gif[/smiley]

"most beautiful among the non–religious poems of the Rig Veda"

"Considering that it is the oldest composition of the kind in existence, we cannot but regard this poem as the most remarkable literary product"

As seen in quotes at the wiki page, which is also filled with curious facts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler's_Lament

(Dice seemed to be the top game at the time [smiley]skype/blush.gif[/smiley])
Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Trio Match
July 08, 2014, 04:03:41 AM
Hello Beat-The-Wheel, thanks for participating here.

"...goes with current table tendency."

Means it is an adaptive bet. You don't know your exact session's bets beforehand; what is showing in the table is what determines them, hence the specific roulette table trend/tendency you face is what trigger bets, for the specific spins you are playing.

This is, in my humble opinion, paramount. Adaptive systems are better ranked than "stiff" ones in my scale :nod:

Example (numbers from random.org):

3 – No bet.
2 – No bet.
3 – No bet.
3 – No bet.
1 – No bet.
3 – No bet.
3 – We have 3/3 above, forming 3/3/1 trio = Bet dozen 1.
2 – Lose. 3/3/2 formed // We have 3/2 above, forming 3/2/3. Bet dozen 3.
1 – Lose.  3/2/1 formed. No bet.
3 – We have 1/3 above, forming 1/3/3 trio. Bet dozen 3.
2 – Lose. 1/3/2 formed. // We have 3/2 above, forming 3/2/1 and 3/2/3 trios. Bet dozens 1 and 3.
3 – Win. 3/2/3 formed. // We have 2/3 above, forming 2/3/3 trio. Bet dozen 3.
1 – Lose. 2/3/1 formed. // We have 3/1 above, forming 3/1/3. Bet dozen 3.
1 – Lose. 3/1/1 formed. No bet.
3 - We have 1/3 above, forming 1/3/2 and 1/3/3 trios. Bet dozens 2 and 3.
2 – Win. 1/3/2 formed. // We have 3/2 above, forming 3/2/1 and 3/2/3 trios. Bet dozens 1 and 3.
1 – Win. 3/2/1 formed. // We have 2/1 above, forming 2/1/3. Bet dozen 3.
2 – Lose. 2/1/2 formed. No bet.
1 - We have 2/1 above, forming 2/1/2 and 2/1/3. Bet dozens 1 and 3.
3 - Win. 3/2/1 formed. // We have 1/3 above, forming 1/3/2 and 1/3/3 trio. Bet dozens 2 and 3.

A BetSoftware tracker for this is a must!

Each single trio can have its own betting line.
Acknowledged and added to list
In order to foster being proactive in trying to keep a good release rate throughout the month, it is inevitable for us to make use of multi-tasking and time management.

We manage our suggestions schedule using three (3) lists, according to difficulty level:

Simple – Quickies, small-time, one-shots with very clear, very specific, functionality.

Medium – Specific modules including some degree of complexity.

Complex – System requiring multiple modules for fulfilling, or, a single module with many conditions/variables required for completion.

It is obvious this breaks the exact order of request when all levels are considered, but if we halt the whole releases operation for a single very complex module needing -say- 1 full month to code, then it isn't proper time management.

Lower complexity ones should be dispatched faster than highly complex ones.

The exact order of each list is respected once a suggestion is labeled and added to a given list. This is handled in a first-come, first-served basis; for that specific level's list.
Dozen/Column / Dozen Trio Match
July 07, 2014, 04:40:42 AM

- Use latest two (2) Spins for reference.

- "Look back" for previous instances of these two dozens. Take note.

- Your bet is the two (2) most recent dozens that completed the trio pattern.


Green(s) excluded.

If there's only one eligible dozen when "looking back", you bet it.

This one is a must-have for a tracker. It offers many possibilities of attack/progression throughout the session and goes with current table tendency.
Nice list, thanks for posting it  :thumbsup:

...BTW, informational links are a YES YES; feel free to post them at ease [smiley]skype/handshake.gif[/smiley]

Hi King, it is the "PRO" version. You can check it out at:


Also, when you want to see something coded/added to the program, then suggest it at:


Thanks a bunch for subscribing. The BetSoftware is getting more modules as we speak!
Straight-up / Re: +1 Neighbor System
July 02, 2014, 10:58:10 AM
Quote from: VLS on July 02, 2014, 10:35:13 AM
Special starting bet:

If last number from tracked cycle enables any neighbor(s), you start with a bet.

Here's a wheel at spin 37 to illustrate:

Straight-up / Re: +1 Neighbor System
July 02, 2014, 10:49:28 AM
OK, I hope I get these numbers right --you wouldn't believe the hours some of these posts are made at (thanks to sqzbox for a little correction, much appreciated):

The original premise on system inception being: 1 cycle for tracking, half a cycle for betting (this was originally an American wheel system for land casinos).

Exactly 1.5 cycles total.

American wheel's cycle is 38 spins, so half a cycle is 19.

38 spins collection.

19 spins for betting.

(Half a cycle on the american wheel is 38 / 2 = 19)

When adapting to European roulette the numbers are:

37 spins collection.

37 / 2 = 18,5 half a cycle.

We round it up to 19, although it can be 18 too if rounded down, as you can prefer is you are more conservative (which I am and it was my first choice when adapting it, but 19 makes more sense to match the original better)

So we have 37 + 19 = 56 spins total for the euro wheel.

This is what a full "tracking + attack" cycle for European wheel lasts.

...As a curious note, if you sum 37 +56, you have 93, so this method could be named the "93 system" too.

Straight-up / +1 Neighbor System
July 02, 2014, 10:35:13 AM

European roulette:

Tracking37 spins

- "look back" 37 spins.
- Mark all spun numbers on the roulette wheel.

Betting19 spins

- Bet unhit neighbor(s) of spun number.
- Add one unit when a neighbor of a bet number hits (this makes some numbers have 2+ units).

Special starting bet:

If last number from tracked cycle enables any neighbor(s), you start with a bet.

Win limit:

Ideally, you don't limit wins and milk every positive session to the max.

Exit limit:

You do limit losses and evaluate exiting after a failed cycle. It can also end for player reasons such as making human errors due to physical extenuation.

This was conceived as a land-based system, so it accounts for human factors. In any case, the exit limit is meant to be considered after a failed cycle.

It is up to the player to continue a session if the cycle loss is minimal. i.e. Player can continue after a -10 cycle, but a -100+ loss = going home with every unit.

Recommended bankroll:

200 units.

What I like about this system is it has clear neighbor betting rules and, of course, the fact it doesn't chase losses...

Besides, it can give nice moments when you hit a number with 2+ chips on it. These higher-bet numbers are the result of near-misses, so it's kind of a special reward.
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