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Messages - VLS

Meta-selection / Re: CYCLE-PAIRING play
June 17, 2014, 12:41:32 AM

If you continue betting then the new cycle always pairs with immediate former one:

Spins 38-74: collection.

Spins 75-111: bet for any number which completes a full corner as seen in immediate previous cycle (38-74).

Same concept goes for streets, splits, etc.
Meta-selection / CYCLE-PAIRING play
June 17, 2014, 12:40:42 AM
Straightforward methodology:

Cycles are considered in couples/pairs.

First cycle = collection.

Second cycle = bet for recurrent patterns.


Spins 1-37: collection cycle.

Spins 38-74: bet every possible number which could complete a realized full square as seen on previous cycle.
Roulette Forum / Re: advantage playing rare events?
June 08, 2014, 04:05:18 PM
Quote from: Xander on June 07, 2014, 04:31:06 PM
On a more serious note, there are plenty of people on various math and physics forum, like myself, that could teach and mentor you on roulette and basic probability

Xander, would you like to have a section dedicated to the concepts of statistics and probabilities?

Not to mention serving as an ordered place for the fellows to point to and be directed towards when dealing with those very matching topics which recurrently appear. A quality model with your brand.

...How about naming it "Xander's Cookies"? --You know, because of the cookies & BIAS folk-minted relationship :)

It would be really great to have you in command of an open educational space about roulette's math.

Meta-selection / Re: CLUMPING THEORY
June 07, 2014, 12:44:55 PM
Thanks for participating GG, it makes a good point too.

Please remember in roulette (as well as for any independent-trials game) everything is officially labelled as not useful, since it is the exact same thing as long as it doesn't beat the house edge.

Kindly take everything published in the forum with this in mind. We're mostly doing this with the simple aim of sharing observations without claiming we have the final universal answer to roulette (because we don't!  ;) )

Meta-selection / Re: CLUMPING THEORY
June 07, 2014, 10:19:29 AM
Glad you liked it Seykid!

A little bit more on triggers and filters:


Wannawin's Library / Re: Please restore my blog
June 05, 2014, 10:37:45 AM
Quote from: wannawin on June 01, 2014, 11:17:29 AMA library of systems for study

Hello again dear Walter.

Enjoy your new space: http://betselection.cc/wannawin's-library/

General Discussion / Re: A Peaceful and Sunny Forum
June 05, 2014, 09:32:00 AM
Thanks for the appreciation dear friend, this is a true community effort.

In the honor of truth, we aren't even at 10% of the finished product. We still have plenty to offer [smiley]cps/clapping.gif[/smiley]

It's a very happy opportunity for all of us to be here; I truly love being part of this & every like-minded soul is welcome [smiley]cps/heart.gif[/smiley]

Independent-trial games poll here: are there better or worse methods?

Can we say we have a better system than the next guy / bettor?

...surely every one of us has an opinion regarding this; so... what's yours?

(Feel free to elaborate about your side / opinion at length - So we all can contrast and make the most from the discussion from this interesting -and fundamental- topic).
Wannawin's Library / Re: Please restore my blog
May 31, 2014, 09:54:20 PM
Nice to hear these news Walter.

Let me check if we can get the exact betselection.cc/wannawin URL back without much problem.

Welcome back to the blogging fray [smiley]afb/tup.gif[/smiley]
vMTK / vMTK - Vic's Meta Toolkit
May 30, 2014, 09:07:22 PM
Target for vMTK is to be the "catch-all" toolkit for our programming languages. These are the points we have in mind:

It defines a cross-platform standard for widgets and core functionality which utilizes native implementations for each platform.

It allows similar widgets to spawn among platforms with matching capabilities, with no extra effort.

When targeting a single platform, vMTK allows full use of that platform's capacities, keeping track of available features and advising about limitations when a port is attempted to a new platform.

Languages using vMTK for graphical user interface are future-proof. While the underlying native implementation changes, vMTK aims to be as backwards-compatible as possible. i.e. A button is a button in windows 3.11 and windows 9. While the native implementation changes in the target platform, the matching vMTK standard for a button remains the same, which means there is stability across years for the programmer using vMTK.
Quote from: ezmark on May 30, 2014, 01:02:46 AM
:) yep that's me.

haha, LOVE it!

Congrats EZ [smiley]blacy/blacy-victory.png[/smiley]
Quote from: wannawin on May 23, 2014, 03:53:48 PMSorry, it is hopeless. I tried with various programming languages

Walter, can you please elaborate more on the languages you tried?

It is interesting to know what puts people off from general-purpose programming.

I have various theories which I would like to contrast.
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
May 26, 2014, 10:10:11 PM
One last thing! Since the current spell checker still uses a separate window, you might need to white-list the new window in your specific browser.
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
May 26, 2014, 10:06:50 PM
Quote from: Rolex-Watch on May 26, 2014, 07:58:34 PMspell checker doesn't work.

Can you please confirm it works now? Done some work at the server towards it.

We DO listen to the fellows.

Good on you for using the spell checker btw [smiley]msn/left_hug.png[/smiley]
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
May 26, 2014, 09:36:01 PM
Quote from: Rolex-Watch on May 26, 2014, 07:58:34 PM
The box you reply in, could have been better designed, mine freezes quite a  lot, browser spell checker doesn't work.

You have two points for sure. There's work on the way towards straightening the two of them.

i.e. http://betselection.cc/index.php?action=quickedit

(also currently checking spell checker for a fix)

Quote from: Rolex-Watch on May 26, 2014, 07:58:34 PMWhy so many "smiley's, are you trying to cater to a teenage market or something, are those that risk their hard earned cash at their local casino that concerned should they use giga or pacoo or even toto!!

They're there for fun ^-^

Believe it or not some fellow members like 'em. Even if they are rarely used (some if ever!) it's OK to have them there "just in case".

Sort of collecting stickers or DVD movies you may never watch again but just enjoy having them.

Check out the prototype for new post page:


We are "growing" in new tech.