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Messages - VLS

Hello dear Sputnik, the ads being part of a former "100% free ad" agreement do not provide us with anything towards maintenance per month: WE ARE COMPLETELY ON OUR OWN MONEY-WISE.

There's a way out the ads already worked-out in good terms, but still they won't give us any financial assistance (as it was agreed, nothing outside the norm here)... So, support from caring members IS needed :nod:

A support button for our forum's footer is on the way. Many thanks for participating  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / @Addonai
May 24, 2014, 11:04:02 AM
What a joy to hear from you! Really good to know you're fine.

I sincerely want to say I'm really sorry for how things went. We will not have the ads forever. I hope when it happens there can be true mending among us.

I apologize to you again. I don't know if you received my former apologies. Already tried reaching you through old and new channels to no avail. My new email address is betselectiongmail.com

My doors and heart are open for you, I hope true mending can arise once we are freed. Time to time as they say.

It is very glad to see you back, alive and healthy, that's what most important.

P.S. Jr. is healthy as an oak too. The world is brighter today.
Walter, labeling in life is not as easy.

There are some friends who may act as foes momentarily, even for years in instances, to be back to true friend status in the end; there are also foes who end up being truly great friends in the aftermath too.

On my part I will not allow anybody to talk anything bad about Addonai here because he is a great person who I have in great esteem. We had a bond which could have overcome the sale of the website.

I'm glad he's around again. We will not have Steve ads forever (chances are not even past this 2010's decade), it is talked with Steve himself already and he has green-lighted the exit way; we're scheduled for no more ads in full good terms, as it should be.

I hope when this when this becomes a reality and respective heart-mending happens with real positive actions on the plate, we earn the right to be in peace community-wide again. I do have all the full human willingness for this but not the full resources at hand to achieve so.

i.e. can't have a real apology until there is a matching reality for true mending.

Work and more work is what I must do to achieve this. And I'm doing it gladly. Very good news Addonai is around. Our world is better with his presence around. I'm truly happy to see him back.
Countermeasure: detection of gaming assistant programs in mobile devices.

Solution: automated PHYSICAL robots to assist with betting (open hardware, such as the bitbeam) to avoid casino detection in mobile devices entirely:




There isn't a single piece of different/extra software code in the smartphone for the casino to detect or track.

Of course, this could be the ultimate solution for desktop gaming too for the truly paranoid!
Quote from: wannawin on May 22, 2014, 12:48:54 AMit would be ideal if a forum developer can provide us a program to automate the analysis
Hey, weren't you learning how to code in BASIC? This is a wonderful opportunity to try!

I'm willing  assist you IF there is motivation from your part.

(i.e. not making the program for you; instead helping you make it).
vIMTK / Re: Purpose of our In-Memory Toolkit
May 17, 2014, 10:04:23 PM
First three vIMTK widgets (must-haves):

- Roulette wheel.
- Roulette Felt.
- Matrix32 6x6.
vIMTK / Purpose of our In-Memory Toolkit
May 17, 2014, 08:42:38 PM
The in-memory toolkit serves a two-fold purpose.

On the one hand there is efficiency. By being a memory-only representation of a widget, there is no waiting for graphical updates to happen, thus the operations can literally run at the maximum speed two of the fastest components in the computer can deliver (RAM + Processor).

On the other hand there is portability. It acts as a platform-agnostic interface giving access to the widget's internal state to facilitate its graphical representation in any native programming technique the operating system demands.
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
May 12, 2014, 10:07:23 PM
Quote from: Rolex-Watch on May 12, 2014, 09:11:36 PM
What is the message that this web site tried to access image data on a canvas?  Since cavas image data can be used to capture information about your computer, blank image data was returned ??

What's the actual page where there is a canvas reported? ???

I'm not aware of any image host tag in-site which uses canvas to display.

I'd be interested to know more.

We have had many false positives from members claiming there are things like links in our pages which aren't there (i.e. planted by ad-ware/viruses in their computers). Also heard of these messages in programs like TOR. Some time ago we had to contact 3rd-party suite BitDefender to clear a wide false-positive, being cleared/white-listed as soon as their staff checked we are indeed clean.

Kindly elaborate.
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
May 12, 2014, 05:25:24 PM
Quote from: Archie on May 12, 2014, 04:57:08 PM
[...]replacing the whole thing altogether. :thumbsup:

Confirmed: this is the preferred solution for computer technicians when people bring a PC with a virus [smiley]afb/biggrin.gif[/smiley]
General Discussion / Re: In-house roulette game
May 12, 2014, 05:23:00 PM
Quote from: Archie on May 12, 2014, 05:08:30 PMVic, perhaps you can put this up top? Maybe, you have a better one?

Hello there mate, thanks for the suggestion.

We already have our very own "vGameServer" (vGS) scheduled. Which is definitely not aiming to compete directly with a web-based roulette game, since it's a very different program with other development targets, but among the reached platforms we can have web-based roulette, yes.

Well, as usual it is funding the stumbling block to achieve (I can reasonably code anything a regular user or company might want) but we'll get there.

This should be a very interesting year for our community. Even defining our long-term identity as a niche software and service provider.

General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
May 11, 2014, 11:18:03 PM
Quote from: Archie on May 11, 2014, 11:11:31 PMVictor has noted this, and has told me that he is working on it.
Well, the "workaround" at this point is replacing the whole thing altogether (the whole post page)  :-\
It's proving too much sweat for a legacy tech which will be replaced in new versions of the forum anyway.

As soon as we have some subscriptions in place this month with BetSoftware, we can cover time for the forum's layout and functionality. We need to secure site perpetuation first!
Awesome Silver! We should definitely have a thriving software industry for our niche.

More reasons to be happy [smiley]afb/tup.gif[/smiley]
Loader / Re: BetSoftware Loader - 2014-05-05
May 05, 2014, 06:48:31 AM
Code (csharp) Select
//  Modules.cs
//  Author:
//       Victor L. Senior <betselection﹫gmail.com>
//  Website:
//       [url]http://betselection.cc[/url]
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Victor L. Senior
//  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;

namespace BetSoftware_Loader
   /// <summary>
   /// Keeps track of modules
   /// </summary>
   public static class Modules
      /// <summary>
      /// Utilities class
      /// </summary>
      public static class Utilities
         /* Dictionary to hold Assemblies */
         // Variable
         private static Dictionary<string, Assembly> _Dict = new Dictionary<string, Assembly>();
         // Property
         public static Dictionary<string, Assembly> Dict
            get { return _Dict; }
            set { _Dict = value; }
         /* List to hold an ordered representation of module names */
         // Variable
         private static List<string> _List = new List<string>();
         // Property
         public static List<string> List
            get { return _List; }
            set { _List = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Input class
      /// </summary>
      public static class Input
         /* Dictionary to hold Assemblies */
         // Variable
         private static Dictionary<string, Assembly> _Dict = new Dictionary<string, Assembly>();
         // Property
         public static Dictionary<string, Assembly> Dict
            get { return _Dict; }
            set { _Dict = value; }
         /* List to hold an ordered representation of module names */
         // Variable
         private static List<string> _List = new List<string>();
         // Property
         public static List<string> List
            get { return _List; }
            set { _List = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Bet Selection class
      /// </summary>
      public static class BS
         /* Dictionary to hold Assemblies */
         // Variable
         private static Dictionary<string, Assembly> _Dict = new Dictionary<string, Assembly>();
         // Property
         public static Dictionary<string, Assembly> Dict
            get { return _Dict; }
            set { _Dict = value; }
         /* List to hold an ordered representation of module names */
         // Variable
         private static List<string> _List = new List<string>();
         // Property
         public static List<string> List
            get { return _List; }
            set { _List = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Money Management class
      /// </summary>
      public static class MM
         /* Dictionary to hold Assemblies */
         // Variable
         private static Dictionary<string, Assembly> _Dict = new Dictionary<string, Assembly>();
         // Property
         public static Dictionary<string, Assembly> Dict
            get { return _Dict; }
            set { _Dict = value; }
         /* List to hold an ordered representation of module names */
         // Variable
         private static List<string> _List = new List<string>();
         // Property
         public static List<string> List
            get { return _List; }
            set { _List = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Display class
      /// </summary>
      public static class Display
         /* Dictionary to hold Assemblies */
         // Variable
         private static Dictionary<string, Assembly> _Dict = new Dictionary<string, Assembly>();
         // Property
         public static Dictionary<string, Assembly> Dict
            get { return _Dict; }
            set { _Dict = value; }
         /* List to hold an ordered representation of module names */
         // Variable
         private static List<string> _List = new List<string>();
         // Property
         public static List<string> List
            get { return _List; }
            set { _List = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Output class
      /// </summary>
      public static class Output
         /* Dictionary to hold Assemblies */
         // Variable
         private static Dictionary<string, Assembly> _Dict = new Dictionary<string, Assembly>();
         // Property
         public static Dictionary<string, Assembly> Dict
            get { return _Dict; }
            set { _Dict = value; }
         /* List to hold an ordered representation of module names */
         // Variable
         private static List<string> _List = new List<string>();
         // Property
         public static List<string> List
            get { return _List; }
            set { _List = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Loop class (For input modules)
      /// </summary>
      public static class Loop
         /* List to hold an ordered representation of module names */
         // Variable
         private static List<string> _List = new List<string>();
         // Property
         public static List<string> List
            get { return _List; }
            set { _List = value; }

Code (csharp) Select
//  Comm.cs
//  Author:
//       Victor L. Senior <betselection﹫gmail.com>
//  Website:
//       [url]http://betselection.cc[/url]
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Victor L. Senior
//  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace BetSoftware_Loader
   public static class Comm
      /// <summary>
      /// Receive message
      /// </summary>
      public static string Receive(string sender, string type, string msg)
         /*          Receive event */

         // Check type
         switch (type)
         // Input
            case "input":

               // Set last hand
               Data.Last = msg;

               /*                Set loop modules */
               if (msg == "-L")
                  // Check if sender is NOT present on list
                  if (!Modules.Loop.List.Contains(sender))
                     // Add it
                     // Remove it

               /*                Broadcast */

               // Bet Selection
               foreach (string ns in Modules.BS.List)
                  // Send message (TODO Parse messages)
                  Comm.Send(ns, "bs", Data.Last + Environment.NewLine + Data.Bet);

               // Money Management
               foreach (string ns in Modules.MM.List)
                  // Send message (TODO Parse messages)
                  Comm.Send(ns, "mm", Data.Last + Environment.NewLine + Data.Bet);

               // Display
               foreach (string ns in Modules.Display.List)
                  // Send message (TODO Parse messages)
                  Comm.Send(ns, "display", Data.Last + Environment.NewLine + Data.Bet);

               // Output
               foreach (string ns in Modules.Output.List)
                  // Send message (TODO Parse messages)
                  Comm.Send(ns, "output", Data.Last + Environment.NewLine + Data.Bet);

               // Input: Registered for loop
               foreach (string ns in Modules.Output.List)
                  // Send message (TODO Parse messages)
                  Comm.Send(ns, "input", "-L");

               // Halt flow

         // Bet Selection
            case "bs":

               // Halt flow

         // Money Management
            case "MM":

               // Halt flow

         // Display
            case "display":

               // Halt flow

         // Output
            case "output":

               // Halt flow

         // Everything else

               // Nothing to do
               return string.Empty;

         // OK signal
         return "-K";

      /// <summary>
      /// Send message
      /// </summary>
      public static string Send(string target, string type, string msg)
         /*          Retrieve assembly */

         // Declare it
         Assembly Asm = null;

         // Check type
         switch (type)
         // Input
            case "input":

               // Set Assembly
               Asm = Modules.Input.Dict[target];


         // Bet Selection
            case "bs":

               // Set Assembly
               Asm = Modules.BS.Dict[target];


         // Money Management
            case "mm":

               // Set Assembly
               Asm = Modules.MM.Dict[target];


         // Display
            case "display":

               // Set Assembly
               Asm = Modules.Display.Dict[target];


         // Output
            case "output":

               // Set Assembly
               Asm = Modules.Output.Dict[target];


         // Everything else
               // Nothing to do
               return string.Empty;


         /*          Send the actual message */

         // Try to send message
            // Send
            object ret = Asm.GetType(target + ".Comm").GetMethod("Receive", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).Invoke(null, new object[]

            // Return
            return (string)ret;
         catch (Exception)
            // Let it fall through

         return string.Empty;

Code (csharp) Select
//  Data.cs
//  Author:
//       Victor L. Senior <betselection﹫gmail.com>
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Victor L. Senior
//  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;

namespace BetSoftware_Loader
   public static class Data
      /*         NameSpace */
      // Variable
      private static string _NameSpace = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.ToString().Split('.')[0];
      // Property
      public static string NameSpace
         get { return _NameSpace; }
         set { _NameSpace = value; }
      /*         Game */
      // Variable
      private static string _Game;
      // Property
      public static string Game
         get { return _Game; }
         set { _Game = value; }
      /*         Mode */
      // Variable
      private static string _Mode;
      // Property
      public static string Mode
         get { return _Mode; }
         set { _Mode = value; }
      /*         Last */
      // Variable
      private static string _Last;
      // Property
      public static string Last
         get { return _Last; }
         set { _Last = value; }
      /*         Bet */
      // Variable
      private static string _Bet;
      // Property
      public static string Bet
         get { return _Bet; }
         set { _Bet = value; }
      /*         Messages */
      // Variable
      private static List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> _Msg = new List<KeyValuePair<string,string>>();
      // Property
      public static List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> Msg
         get { return _Msg; }
         set { _Msg = value; }
      /*         Icon */
      // Variable
      private static Icon _Icon;
      // Property
      public static Icon Icon
         get { return _Icon; }
         set { _Icon = value; }
BetSoftware's getting ready for prime time. Open to peer review.

Feel free to inquiry about the underlying tech, how to interact with it (directly or by custom connector), naming conventions, etc.

- Continue to the thread for 2014-05-05 with download + sources:
