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Messages - VLS

General Discussion / Re: Moving forward
April 22, 2014, 09:55:49 PM
The tab of discord

As long as it's legal, I'm a big proponent of a free flow of information in this time and Internet age; the "tab of discord" has nonetheless been removed since I'm not here to wage wars, but living by the "moving forward" motto.

The tab was added in good faith. New posts feed or not, it takes perhaps 10 minutes to set a parser for any public webpage links to make it a tab, but if it's thought of as a war cry instead of looking it as a validation of community integration -as it was the original intention- it's better to keep peace and just let it go.

If in the future I'm asked to restore the tab, there is absolutely no problem from my part to do so.

The tab can be easily reinstated at a later time with just a "ping". No problemo!
General Discussion / Moving forward
April 22, 2014, 09:40:51 PM
Trying here to be as concise as possible. Feel free to add comments in another thread. The thread remains locked since it's the basis of moving forward.
Hello Kevin,

We always side with the free flow of information as long as it's legal and respectful to the core values in our forum's rules, so rest assured your thread stays.

I can recommend Proof when competing against freely available information to do the same software companies do when competing with FREEWARE: to provide good reasons for people to BUY via premium extras.

You can EXPAND on what the freely available offer lacks, provide more comprehensive testing results. Add tweaks, or better presentation.

In general offer an enhanced product than the one in the public view to give a compelling reason to get it.

Loads of success to all!

General Discussion / Happy Earth Day 2014
April 22, 2014, 01:21:49 PM
Today is one day dedicated to our mother Earth.

May we all consistently do at least a bit towards our environment and planet. Even with the simple things we all can afford. Not littering here, being a bit more conscious there.


Do a bit for the planet today. We all share it.

Off-topic / Re: Is it littering when...
April 20, 2014, 10:04:07 PM
It totally depends on what you pick up to examine. For instance, if you pick a sealed snicker bar:


Open it up, examine it thoroughly with your mouth then dump the wrapper.. it might account for littering [smiley]easter/smileys-easter-818470.gif[/smiley]

General Discussion / Happy Easter with Smileys!
April 19, 2014, 06:54:09 AM
Happy Easter with a new smiley set for the occasion:

(Click to expand)

May you and your family enjoy this time gracefully.

General Discussion / Let's have some FUN!
April 19, 2014, 02:49:03 AM

- Discuss a system today. Have some fun O0


General Discussion / Re: Moderator's Choice
April 19, 2014, 02:45:38 AM
Quote from: Archie on April 18, 2014, 04:12:06 PMAward by the generals here for the best post of the week?  (If none, then dip into the past archives.)

30 awards gets you into Vic's elite VIP-buffet inner circle?

"elite VIP-buffet". Good one :D

We have a change in paradigm to app-based scheduled (we're currently page-based). Many interesting features can be implemented with such a paradigm shift. Hopefully it enables us to be on the bleeding edge again for the benefit of our community. We want to progress along with times :)
wow! 30 times the feat! (take that casinos! :applause: )

Congrats :thumbsup:

A part of me is thinking why people isn't rushing to a profit-sharing venture with you. It's a no-investment proposition where the only financial outcome is a win.

To get maximization of interest, you could also do it in groups, where people "pool" their accounts and winners split parting 3-ways. One share for you, one share for the group and of course one share for the account holder.

i.e. If a group of 5 people "pool", when one no-deposit bonus is fulfilled, all win. Covering for even showing the willingness.

Feel free to organize such a thing in our pages.

(nothing better than word-of-mouth from winners to motivate more folks! --hey it's no deposit => free for the taking :nod: :cheer: )
It's OK, let's set on this good ol' "cozy green". It's time to make software releases :nod: :thumbsup:
Straight-up / Re: patterns & progression
April 10, 2014, 10:37:09 PM
I'd say 3 *UNIQUE* since it's based on series.

We all know series of 4+ contain a series of 3, but it would open the door to uncertainty of spotting the right entry point!

Thanks for sharing & participating guys  :thumbsup:
Thanks mate, trying to strike a balance between simplicity and functionality :nod:
Meta-selection / Re: Clumping Theory
April 08, 2014, 03:14:24 AM
Quote from: VLS on January 16, 2013, 12:15:05 AM
We say the signal is stronger in zone 12 to 4 because the events are being realized with a better clumping

This can be extrapolated to many selections, including felt-based ones.

For instance, if looking for neighbors in the columns, the same methodology applies, by giving more weight to the column with the neighbors separated by the lesser distance.
Quote from: ADulay on April 07, 2014, 08:27:11 PM
Actually, I kind of like this clean, blue look.

Not cluttered and EASY to read.

Thanks for the supportive words. We're still working on this, albeit not making "big-time" features which might take too much time and delay development from other things.

We're aiming for a warm and functional look indeed.