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Messages - VLS

Because a new one is being built from scratch; actually a new forum engine altogether.

No promises made as to when it gets rolled to our usage, but right now the best use of all my web-based coding time is our new engine.

I'm sure other brilliant coders can take the baton of adding new features incrementally to this engine in other sites and do the required maintenance.

To us: "vWeb"!
General Discussion / BetSelection, the cafe
April 07, 2014, 07:30:59 AM
BetSelection from now on becomes more of a friendly "cafe".

In here we can enjoy the company of similar-minded friends.

We work oriented to make this a fine space for members who abide to our rules and in general have a disposition to discuss openly, calmly and in harmony about the pertinent topics we enjoy.

As our site continues with exploring venues of discussion and hosted projects, chances are positive things we develop here "spill" to other communities and paths of life, but let's all take it easy. We aren't here for proving a point or to be the biggest "XYZ" on the internet, but to have a good time and relish our shared time.

It's better for our collective blood pressure :D

...If you are good with a relaxed environment aligned with our family-friendly values, as outlined in our rules, then please be free to make BetSelection part of your life.

Thanks for being here.

See you around!
Hi guys,

Just wanted to mention all sub-boards keep on being there. They are just one click away for layout-preservation reasons.

i.e. http://betselection.cc/blogosphere/

All present!  :)

Hello Montis,

Over here we're more focused in systems programming.

You are more likely to find excel sheet programming assistance at http://betforum.cc/excel-forum/

Quoteplease be sure I hate the fact that you have been stripped of your family's privacy in violation by Stef

Hey! Thanks to you and all the other fellow members who have showed their support by PM/email. The “wait and see” mode is completely understandable and I bear no resent for not going open with it. I won't retaliate. I'm sure this is nothing but another “bump” down the road.

QuoteYou will stop offering the sections?

I still subscribe to the sponsorship model. A $10/mo subscription on top of the free forum and free materials is what we are adopting.

Quotewhat can we expect from you ??

(Answering here as “you, the person”)

To do my best, I see this time as a wonderful opportunity to realize my on-line potential. A well-oiled work flow where I'm having a predictable income for my family's benefit and tranquility while allowing me full creative freedom is an awesome goal plus on the side of course give my code in the open so others can learn, fork it and ultimately to benefit all.

As a forum, well; members who find our forum's rules “limiting to their expressions” can expect the very same moderation.

...Whoever finds it fine to work within our forum's standards and rules, is welcome. Our doors remain open.
General Discussion / Re: Living in the Present
April 05, 2014, 01:35:18 AM
Delightful words dear Richard.

I don't subscribe to losing time in forum politics as a general rule either. I'm doing it less and less.

At this time I believe it will be ultimately the most productive for my time to focus in this forum. My code is open anyway.

Anyone willing to incur in mature, enriching discussion is welcome in our pages. That you and everyone can be certain.

General Discussion / Re: A word of solidarity
April 04, 2014, 05:20:47 PM
Thanks for the words, but I urge everyone: let's not give it more time or thought than it deserves. Make your own opinions, act upon them. Always pondering not everything's black & white.

We vouch to be on the productive side of things here in BetSelection.

It's better if we focus in "work, work, work"; on bringing our forum, the software and the services to new highs.

A grateful,
Business ideas / Re: Passive Income Discussion
April 04, 2014, 02:37:16 AM
Thanks for the input! Many timeless passive income ways. Much appreciated.

The thread remains open for new submissions  :cheer:
Business ideas / Passive Income Discussion
March 31, 2014, 12:11:34 PM
Making an effort once and getting benefits forever definitely looks like a great way to conduct your long-term plans.

If you have knowledge about it, with something concrete feel free to use this thread.

Non-gambling propositions only please!

Let's focus in things onto the positive side of the balance.
Corner/Quad / Re: HCQ bet (1 to 3 quads)
March 30, 2014, 03:02:58 AM
No need to apologize my friend, there's definitely no problemo  :cheer:

I'm glad you are going to give this HCQ bet a try.

You must be certain to keep in mind that CONSCIOUS +1 positive progression means to revisit the unit after a win and dropping it to the very minimum needed to break even (or make +1 win) if it's a hit.

This lowers the units risked.

Corner/Quad / Re: HCQ bet (1 to 3 quads)
March 29, 2014, 07:43:33 PM
I still like this  :thumbsup:

(With a SOFT +1 positive progression, conscious type)
Hello again Sputnik,

This is merely a selection way used to generate an Lw record; you determine bets with your favorite Lw approach.

I've noticed at times this goes very streaky, both in the w's as in the L's, given you need very specific sequences to generate long strings of L's, the appearing of them might be a good indicator for stopping bets or playing the reverse.

At your discretion!
General Discussion / Re: Betvoyager broken?
March 22, 2014, 12:32:33 PM


In case you get blocked download because of .exe extension, use:


Thanks 6th!
General Discussion / Re: Betvoyager broken?
March 21, 2014, 05:16:53 PM
Quote from: 6th-sense on March 21, 2014, 04:34:43 PM
i don,t know how i can get it to you
There's always a way  :)  Check your PM's, just sent you several options :thumbsup: