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Messages - VLS

Gambling Philosophy / Re: RISK !
November 04, 2013, 01:19:44 AM
Quote from: Buffster on November 03, 2013, 11:18:46 PMWhat is the risk one should take to make a buck ?

Buff-mate, you are leaving the biggest one out: how many times you want to achieve the feat.

If you want to expose yourself the least to the house edge, looking for a one-hit-wonder on the even chances should do.

A la Ashley Revell:

Red or Black? - Betting your whole life on one roulette spin

Quote from: Turner on November 03, 2013, 11:33:36 PMWhere do you decide its not working playing 5 lines?  After 1 loss?

Yes T,

Betting and getting one straight loss on 5 lines sets you back for the whole of the current cycle.

Congrats! C# is (IMHO, syntax-wise) > Java  :nod:
Quote from: AlienZ on November 01, 2013, 03:43:13 PMThanks Vic, means a lot. Sure am looking forward to your BetSoftware Suite!


Which programming language(s) do you use A-Z?
A-Z thanks for joining us.


Sharing coders always welcome!
Countermeasure: Detecting betting assistant programs for winning players.

As you know, any automated betting program which assists players to lose is more than welcome by the casino; they couldn't care less about them. But chances are the other way around isn't the same.

Solution: Virtual machines.

Assuming they target a list of .exe names or window titles for flagging programs, with a virtual machine used exclusively for gaming the API calls implemented by them return only what's inside the virtual machine, not what's executed on the main machine.


Some popular virtual machines:


Countermeasure: Analyzing bets placed by a punter at the online casino to detect his ordered betting system.

...This is the most obvious way for a casino to apply a countermeasure against a winning system.

They look at a punter's statistics looking for betting patterns which indicate he's using a certain system the casino may be wary of, resulting in expulsion.

Solution: Statistics fragmentation.

Casino's favorite type of bettor is the senseless bettor. Making random wagers for no rhyme or reason. Looking like a senseless bettor is a player's best bet to hold the casino account active without being flagged.


If we have -say- three players in a team randomly picking who's turn to bet is it, statistics for a single player do not reflect the whole system at all, only unrelated fragments of the actual winning stream of bets.

When analyzing the betting statistics from any given player of the group, they aren't seen like a stream of ordered bets, but look like random bets made at random points.

The more players the merrier for this technique. i.e. A team with statistics fragmented in 10 players can run smoothly without risking having the statistical analysis for a single flagged player disclose anything about the whole team operation.

Thanks to video feed sharing and a sound understanding of "casino wallets", the team can hit different wallets/owners to lessen the odds of rising a flag.

Wallets repository: http://www.onlinecasinodollar.com/casino-owner.html
Thread dedicated to overcoming casino countermeasures with team play and technological means.

(P.S. including hypothetical ones, you never really know what's going on behind online casino's curtain! [smiley]aim/angel65.gif[/smiley])
Quote from: Pockets on October 22, 2013, 11:19:17 AM
So ladies(if there are any around here)
There are:thumbsup:

...I love flat betting too; been developing and tweaking flat betting systems only for quite some time now.

Congrats for walking the hardest but most rewarding journey: beating the house edge with pure bet selection :nod:
General Discussion / Re: You may disagree
September 16, 2013, 12:31:39 AM
Inter-session reinvestment = Nice  8)
Quote from: weddings on September 14, 2013, 01:58:01 AM
How do I set the number collector to auto click?
Hello, you can configure the placeholder bet where it says:


The nomenclature is simple:


Each separated by underscore.

2@R =  Two clicks on Red.

1@D1 = One click on Dozen 1.


Exactly as they are seen in the generated definitions file.
My vote goes to both!  :thumbsup:
Quote from: Turner on September 10, 2013, 10:36:43 PMwhat about windows 3.1....
16-bit is fully deprecated by most account (mine too). There are barely no 16-bit powered user computers active in 2013  :-*

32-bit is still worth (I assume it'll be around for a long-enough time to make a smooth transition)

64-bit is kicking strong. Basically it's already a chunk of the present, and definitely the future.

Heck, some people is already deprecating WinXP since it's going to be dropped by Microsoft next year.

It doesn't make sense according to me, still there is a large XP user-base which deserves attention. Furthermore, while it's true you might have to skip the "new goodie" in town when targeting compatibility, developing practices aren't too extraneous for XP to avoid supporting them already.
Hey, I have no problem with making new programs able to run as far back as Windows 98! -As a matter of fact, the art of raw WIN32 API programming is *not* dead :)

Example here: http://betselection.cc/community-software/(release)-last-dozencolumn-generator-v0-2/

...A plethora of lower-level WinAPI knowledge bases are still around. They are also a must for enabling running programs in WINE (windows compatibility layer) which plenty of Linux users enjoy, including myself.
Hello MBB, please install .NET framework for windows XP:


I reckon it can work with as far back as Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

Vista and 7 should be fine as they ship with .NET 3+
September 10, 2013, 09:00:07 PM
All 3 programs work in my (limited) trials.

100% FREE download here: [attachmini=1]

Please confirm you are able to:

1.- Generate a custom casino definition for the casino of your choice. (DefinitionsGenerator.exe)

2.- Check the definition for accuracy. (DefinitionsChecker.exe)

3.- Run the reader in auto-pilot mode for as many spins as you instruct i.e. 10, 20, unlimited. (NumberCollector.exe)

(Click image to expand)