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Messages - VLS

Development / [ALPHA] Bally's SO tracker
July 29, 2013, 05:17:27 PM
Implementation of Bally's SO tracker with sponsor development cycle.
Development / [ALPHA] Soggett's Gift
July 29, 2013, 05:15:44 PM
...Better late than never! Placeholder for Soggett's gift program using sponsor development methodology.
Hello dear RF, it isn't about a single software, but about sponsored development methodology where all willing members pool resources to order for everyone in the community.

If you want to see it like so, sponsors are buying the "lead" or the right to say what is going to be coded here: http://betselection.cc/sponsor-requests/

It is a "topic solved" board which means each and every sponsor request is marked when attended.

This way there is a record when each and every request is attended.

It's a good motion.

Members are encouraged to sponsor since it also helps to cover our monthly hosting expenses, so it ensures the smooth continuation of our community too  :thumbsup:
Development / Re: [ALPHA] New Lw tracker
July 29, 2013, 05:29:36 AM

It recreates its own state on every spin in order to avoid depending on previous variables (which might be prone to leftover bugs).

Code (Csharp) Select
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace LwTrackerR2
    public partial class FormTracker : Form
        // History list
        List<int> history = new List<int>();

        // List for holding last two dozens or columns
        List<int> lastTwo = new List<int>();

        // Lw Trackers
        List<string> ld = new List<string>(); // Hit on last two dozens
        List<string> jd = new List<string>(); // Jump from last dozen
        List<string> lc = new List<string>(); // Hit on last two columns
        List<string> jc = new List<string>(); // Jump from last column

        // Set a bigger font for DataGrid rows
        Font BigFont = new System.Drawing.Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 15.75F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold ^ FontStyle.Italic, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));

        // Tracker as BindingList of TrackerData (bound to DataGridView)
        BindingList<TrackerData> Tracker = new BindingList<TrackerData>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public FormTracker()
            // Initialize

            // Set icon
            this.Icon = Properties.Resources.roulette_16_to_256;

            // Alternating background
            dgvTracker.RowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.White;
            dgvTracker.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightGray;

            // Prevent automatic generation of columns
            dgvTracker.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

            // Prevent resize
            dgvTracker.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
            dgvTracker.AllowUserToResizeRows = false;

            // Add Name column
            DataGridViewTextBoxColumn nameColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            nameColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells;
            nameColumn.DataPropertyName = "Name";
            nameColumn.HeaderText = "Name";
            nameColumn.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            nameColumn.DefaultCellStyle.Font = BigFont;

            // Add Advisor column
            DataGridViewTextBoxColumn advisorColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            advisorColumn.DataPropertyName = "Advisor";
            advisorColumn.HeaderText = "Advisor";
            advisorColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells;
            advisorColumn.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            advisorColumn.DefaultCellStyle.Font = BigFont;

            // Add Registry column
            DataGridViewTextBoxColumn registryColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            registryColumn.DataPropertyName = "Registry";
            registryColumn.HeaderText = "Registry";
            registryColumn.DefaultCellStyle.Font = BigFont;
            registryColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;

            // Set dgvTracker DataSource
            dgvTracker.DataSource = Tracker;

        /// <summary>
        /// Tracker form's entry point
        /// </summary>
        private void FormTracker_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Populate tracker's base rows
            Tracker.Add(new TrackerData("LD"));
            Tracker.Add(new TrackerData("JD"));
            Tracker.Add(new TrackerData("LC"));
            Tracker.Add(new TrackerData("JC"));

        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents form closing
        /// </summary>
        private void FormTracker_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            // Prevent actual closing
            e.Cancel = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Processes adding a new item to the tracker
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="n">Number</param>
        public void addNumber(int n)
            // Variable for holding last dozen or column
            int last = 0;

            // Variable for holding beforelast dozen or column
            int beforelast = 0;

            // Variable for holding last addition to registry
            string reg = string.Empty;

            // String for advisors
            string ldAdv = string.Empty;
            string lcAdv = string.Empty;

            // Character arrays for advisors
            char[] jdAdv = null;
            char[] jcAdv = null;

            // Check for zero
            if (n == 0)
                // Add zero to all in the registry

                /* Let's update all with zero (keeping last advisor) */

                // LD
                Tracker[0].Registry = string.Join("", ld.ToArray());

                // JD
                Tracker[1].Registry = string.Join("", jd.ToArray());

                // LC
                Tracker[2].Registry = string.Join("", lc.ToArray());

                // JC
                Tracker[3].Registry = string.Join("", jc.ToArray());

                // Refresh

                // Exit

            // Insert number into history
            history.Insert(0, n);

            // Check there are at least 2 elements in history
            if (history.Count < 2)
                // Less than two: halt.

            /* Process LD */

            // Get last dozen
            last = Program.GetDozen(n);

            // Clear list

            // Set LD
            for (int h = 1; h < history.Count; h++)
                // Set dozen for current iteration
                int dozen = Program.GetDozen(history[h]);

                // If dozen is zero...
                if (dozen == 0)
                    // ...jump to next iteration

                // Set beforelast
                if (beforelast == 0 && dozen != last)
                    // Set it!
                    beforelast = dozen;

                // Check for a halt
                if (reg != string.Empty)
                    // Skip iteration

                // Add if it doesn't exist
                if (!lastTwo.Contains(dozen))
                    // Add current one

                // Check if last dozen is present
                if (lastTwo.Contains(last))
                    // Win
                    reg = "w";

                    // Skip iteration

                // Halt on two elements
                if (lastTwo.Count == 2)
                    // Lose
                    reg = "L";

                    // Halt

            // Add hyphen if there's nothing to add
            if (reg.Length == 0)
                // Add hyphen
                reg = "-";

            // Add reg to ld

            // Compute advisor
            ldAdv = last.ToString() + (beforelast != 0 ? "," + beforelast.ToString() : "");

            /* Process JD */

            // Reset reg
            reg = string.Empty;

            // Set JD
            for (int h = 1; h < history.Count; h++)
                // Set dozen for current iteration
                int dozen = Program.GetDozen(history[h]);

                // If dozen is zero...
                if (dozen == 0)
                    // ...jump to next iteration

                // Set reg
                if (dozen != last)
                    // Win
                    reg = "w";
                    // Lose
                    reg = "L";

                // Break on addition
                if (reg.Length > 0) { break; }

            // Add hyphen if there's nothing to add
            if (reg.Length == 0)
                // Add hyphen
                reg = "-";

            // Add reg to jd

            // Set advisor base
            jdAdv = "123".Replace(last.ToString(), "").ToCharArray();

            /* Process LC */

            // Reset last
            last = 0;

            // Reset beforelast
            beforelast = 0;

            // Reset reg
            reg = string.Empty;

            // Get last column
            last = Program.GetColumn(n);

            // Clear list

            // Set LC
            for (int h = 1; h < history.Count; h++)
                // Set column for current iteration
                int column = Program.GetColumn(history[h]);

                // If column is zero...
                if (column == 0)
                    // ...jump to next iteration

                // Set beforelast
                if (beforelast == 0 && column != last)
                    // Set it!
                    beforelast = column;

                // Check for a halt
                if (reg != string.Empty)
                    // Skip iteration

                // Add if it doesn't exist
                if (!lastTwo.Contains(column))
                    // Add current one

                // Check if last column is present
                if (lastTwo.Contains(last))
                    // Win
                    reg = "w";

                    // Skip iteration

                // Halt on two elements
                if (lastTwo.Count == 2)
                    // Lose
                    reg = "L";

                    // Halt

            // Add hyphen if there's nothing to add
            if (reg.Length == 0)
                // Add hyphen
                reg = "-";

            // Add reg to lc

            // Compute advisor
            lcAdv = last.ToString() + (beforelast != 0 ? "," + beforelast.ToString() : "");

            /* Process JC */

            // Reset reg
            reg = string.Empty;

            // Set JC
            for (int h = 1; h < history.Count; h++)
                // Set column for current iteration
                int column = Program.GetColumn(history[h]);

                // If column is zero...
                if (column == 0)
                    // ...jump to next iteration

                // Set reg
                if (column != last)
                    // Win
                    reg = "w";
                    // Lose
                    reg = "L";

                // Break on addition
                if (reg.Length > 0) { break; }

            // Add hyphen if there's nothing to add
            if (reg.Length == 0)
                // Add hyphen
                reg = "-";

            // Add reg to jc

            // Set advisor base
            jcAdv = "123".Replace(last.ToString(), "").ToCharArray();

            // LD
            Tracker[0].Advisor = ldAdv;
            Tracker[0].Registry = string.Join("", ld.ToArray());

            // JD
            Tracker[1].Advisor = jdAdv[0] + "," + jdAdv[1];
            Tracker[1].Registry = string.Join("", jd.ToArray());

            // LC
            Tracker[2].Advisor = lcAdv;
            Tracker[2].Registry = string.Join("", lc.ToArray());

            // JC
            Tracker[3].Advisor = jcAdv[0] + "," + jcAdv[1];
            Tracker[3].Registry = string.Join("", jc.ToArray());

            // Refresh

        /// <summary>
        /// Remove number from tracker
        /// </summary>
        public void removeNumber()
            // UNDO CODE HERE
Development / Re: [ALPHA] New Lw tracker
July 29, 2013, 04:40:51 AM
Lw Tracker (Revision 2), First Alpha:

Sponsor download: [attachmini=1]

What I need is confirmation it adds Lw's correctly.

After that, UNDO for Alpha 2!
These sponsored releases are completely free from software protections, also, their full source code and resources are released alongside too, guaranteeing nobody can take any sponsored release from the community once it has been transferred to the public. Ever!

That's quite a worthy model to sponsor and support :thumbsup:
Hi guys,

Just wondering if you get what we are trying to achieve with the new sponsor's den: We are not selling software, we are asking for sponsorship to give software away to the whole community.

Also, your sponsorship help us pay for host and directly helps in paying the needed coding hours.

Ideally as time go by, more conscious people will join forces and we can have a healthy release schedule. It is a true community spirited motion, a true synergy effect. Plenty of "littles" makes a compounding force. With this force, fellow supporting members call the shots to order for the community and ultimately everybody enjoy the final product, as it is released to the public.

Now you know what we're trying to achieve, you can do your part. If $10 isn't a budget-wrecking amount for you and you can afford to spare it, right now is a great time to join. To help the snowball effect to begin running.
It actually benefits everyone, in the short and long run :nod:

Quote10:09am Izak Matatya
I went through the 7 pages of discussions.[...]

...Ah! At least we know Izak has read here  :)
General Discussion / Re: american wheel.
July 28, 2013, 05:03:08 AM
*: wish I was this talented in the dough art to bake such a cake! Likewise goes with [smiley]skype/heart.gif[/smiley]

Let's be around for the 40th!!
General Discussion / Re: american wheel.
July 28, 2013, 02:01:05 AM
From the forum with love* [smiley]cps/heart.gif[/smiley]:


Happy 30th to you & the Mrs. dear Turner.

Development / [ALPHA] New Lw tracker
July 26, 2013, 12:37:06 AM
Thread for the new Lw tracker.

Cycle is: new alpha version is release, sponsors test, feature confirmed so we label it OK... then Rinse & Repeat until a feature-complete version can be released.
Thanks Sam,

Please make a post at the sponsor request section for the renewed Lw tracker to start and keep track on it:


(Don't worry, we have alpha and beta stages now at the den. Software isn't officially released until reasonably tested for bugs).
Sam, as you please.

The main goal of this sponsorship motion is to make a "pool" of tenners so community development can be (finally) delivered and maintained properly.

If there were game tables by the water... [smiley]cps/heart.gif[/smiley]
General Discussion / Re: american wheel.
July 24, 2013, 07:40:15 PM
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on July 24, 2013, 05:38:11 PM
I've got this idea to share here goes: (American Wheel only)

If the 1st column hits, bet the second column once.
If the 2nd column hits bet the third column once.
If the 3rd column hits, bet the first column once.

Progression: 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3 (stop).  Back to one unit on a win.
Thanks for participating proof, whle I was reading your idea, I thought to post if maybe a bit of "timeline play" could be taken into consideration?  :)

(i.e. if the 1st column is dominating in the X cycles, when it gets hit again bet the second column once).

-Just putting some more on this brainstorming plate! Cheers. :thumbsup: