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Messages - VLS

Double-street / Re: 123 Line Grind
July 12, 2013, 05:46:45 PM
Hi Pri, hopefully I can answer with the new Felt tag for a proper spin-to-spin viewing with the locations highlighted as they are bet.

Here's hoping sponsorships unfold greatly so we can have it in no time [smiley]pidgin/pidginthumbsup.gif[/smiley]
Meta-selection / TIMELINE & "continuation"
July 12, 2013, 03:37:04 PM
"You have to bet what is showing, instead of what you think might show"

The name of the game for timeline-based play is: CONTINUATION.

You have a betting template (whatever it is: Kimo's matrix, A standard wheel disc or your custom-made betting template) and you only bet for the events you are witnessing to replicate.

Always keep in mind roulette is a game without theoretical limits. You should never bet against it... past a very defined "attack zone".

You must have your set of spotted events/patters/triggers and only enable them after the game realizes one, and you stick to it for the whole duration of the cycle.

Remember for simplicity a cycle is derived from the payout. i.e. 12 spins for streets, 6 spins for a double-street, 9 spins for a square, 3 spins for a dozen...

You need to use a "rolling window" comprising no more than the length of the cycle for your target location.

(You see me talking about 37-spin a lot lately because I'm betting straight-up numbers)

Don't worry about collisions. Even if you are betting 2 or 3 locations you should account for the cycle of each one for considerations regarding how much to hold its actual bet.


- You have an arsenal of recurrently spotted events in your template.
- You only pick them AFTER they realize for the current cycle (your "rolling window").
- You hold the bets no more than one cycle for the location. If there is no hit past this cycle, you disable it.

* as a special option you should be OK with holding a bet active for as many cycles as required shall you encounter a "random walk" in progress.

That's continuation at its best.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: RE: BREAK EVEN
July 12, 2013, 02:44:44 PM
Hello Pri, what you're talking about is known as Maximum Drawdown play. A smart way to bet with methods who tend to go in long streaks -be it positive or negative.

With it, any unit won is used to thwart losses automatically. i.e. if you bankroll is 100 and you won +25, you can only lose -75 as maximum for the session.

It is a good way with the right bet [smiley]pidgin/pidginthumbsup.gif[/smiley]. No harm in testing it [smiley]pidgin/pidginsmile.gif[/smiley]
Gambling Philosophy / RE: BREAK EVEN
July 12, 2013, 02:20:18 PM
Breaking even is very important for the savvy player.

It is inherent in every player to make the goal to have as much WON sessions as possible, but if not attainable in a certain day then BREAKING EVEN is the best stopping point.

Think of the bigger picture.

You didn't lose, so there's no negative impact in your session-to-session scorecard nor in your pocket. Your units are safe with you for a new battle.

Remember: in the monthly balance there's no difference between a unit won and a unit saved.
Repeaters always seemed to me as one out-of-control creature.

The game is guaranteed to behave in an exact way (equalizing) in the long run, but in the short run, these "short-term extremes", from which repeaters are a clear example, might be the only thing for the player to try to capitalize upon, since they are the only thing that the casino can't control.

Spot & capitalize 'em!
Community Software / Re: Roulette Assist
July 12, 2013, 12:39:34 AM
Pri, maybe good ol' VB6 can come to the rescue. VB6's executables are certainly Win32 compliant.

Esoito has a link to what seems an "open" version of it.
6th-sense / Re: 6th's blog?
July 11, 2013, 03:40:29 PM
Quote from: 6th-sense on July 11, 2013, 03:32:32 PM
thanks Victor
My pleasure.

Looking forward to your blog posts  :cheer:
6th-sense / Re: 6th's blog?
July 11, 2013, 03:10:58 PM
Nice to see you around 6th, you blog is here:


Best wishes. Enjoy! :thumbsup:
Priyanka is correct.

The full/expanded version of the initials is:

LD = Hit on any of the Last Two Dozens spun = win.
JD = Jump to any of the other Two dozens excluding the last one spun = win.

Hope it helps. Anything, continue making clever questions, I'll give a shot at giving you proper answers!

(P.S: a clever question is one where the person is obviously making an effort to understand. i.e. "I was listening to the explanation and couldn't get why over here it doesn't add up." [smiley]aes/wine.png[/smiley] Just like Sam's doing it!)
QuoteVic, could we reprise the "VLS LW Methodology"?
General Discussion / Re: Signatures & giving
July 10, 2013, 12:24:08 PM
[attachimg=1] to the community Ductrong.
May your picks go always to the net!  :cheer:

Enjoy your stay [smiley]skype/handshake.gif[/smiley]
Community Software / Re: Roulette Assist
July 09, 2013, 12:33:18 PM
Quote from: marivo on July 09, 2013, 12:01:46 PM
When I try to run it, it says its not valid Win32 application?!
Marivo, maybe try installing latest .NET framework supported by your windows version:


Great work Pri!

Runs on Linux [smiley]afb/tup.gif[/smiley]

Community Software / Re: Roulette Assist
July 09, 2013, 02:53:11 AM
Quote from: Priyanka on July 09, 2013, 02:32:38 AM
"After x in a row you play until win but max lets say 3 times. If no win you abandon it and search next trigger like that".
Pri, in the name of Drazen and myself: THANK YOU!  :thumbsup:

I wish there were more people taking fellow members' requests in kindness.