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Topics - alrelax

Treasure Island announced new health and safety policies Tuesday afternoon as it gears up to reopen to the public.

MGMs complete and detailed safety plan as submitted to state casino regulators

Click on the "seven-point safety plan" highlighted in blue and read the entire official document with all the changes MGM has presented to state governments to reopen.


Red Wind Casino in the state of Washington announced they will be formally opening May 18th. They also announced they will be 100% smoke-free and that is the best thing that could have came out of all of this and I think every Casino in the United States will be that way or should be that way. Smokers will still go no matter what they say, in fact the state of Minnesota went smoke-free and all of the non-tribal casinos prohibited smoking.  Of course they all kept going, they just go outside to smoke what's the big deal?

Just a tiny bit over the weekend, the first two pictures are from Saturday and the next two pictures are from Sunday.  The first 3 at a large convenience store chain in the Midwest USA.  We have gone for about about two months without virtually any Bakery products or other self-serve foods without being pro rationed or pre-packaged, individually packaged, etc. Most of the bulk foods in the supermarkets such as the candy and other bulk items such as olives and specialty foods are removed and staying removed.  Every buffet i have come across is either shut down or has been physically removed. I had a small self-service section at my restaurant which I would put featured foods that were freshly cooked and the State Health Department came in and told me what I had to do to keep it. I decided to remove it as well their rules and regulations concerning it were cost prohibited and countless times more stringent than handling the food in the kitchen and regular service from preparation to customers table.

Anyway on Saturday I finally observed some donuts in The Fresh Bakery case at a large convenience store chain and although the flavors were limited on Sunday they added and started to get back to normal. As well for the first time the roller grills were in operation once again.  After that I had to stop at the supermarket to pick up some cleaning supplies and the paper goods aisle was getting better and I've said all along that there's no shortage in the supply chain it was just in getting it to the marketplace and all the distribution and packaging and trucking that has to go on to get it onto the shelves, that the majority of the public does not understand.





You know the comparison between what has happened with the C-19 AFTERMATH and just say playing Baccarat, where as a player goes up to the baccarat table, Buys-in and expects the shoe to produce fallacy and fulfill his desire after he spent time reading and testing and proving himself on the internet, is so close in analogy it's actually sad. True, but sad!
No one really knows what the casinos will look like when they reopen but one thing for sure there will be changes:

You know when you come to think about it, any system of playing with or without progressions can be claimed to be won in the long run.  As long as you always do the same thing and you play until you get ahead. In other words beating randomness.

Just say I'm flat betting on Banker and in the long run I have to win (at some point of course), so i can simply label it a holy grail. I could say flat betting Banker is a holy grail and I'm going to keep betting Banker every single hand and just play shoe after shoe, week after week and at some point I am going to be ahead.  And at that point I can stop and say my flat betting system on banker works. I can do the same thing by betting on Player only as well. I can do the same thing betting every 5th or 10th hand, etc., etc.  I could do the same thing by betting every Player or Banker after every natural comes out.

Because I'm going to stop after I get ahead by a certain amount of units and it's always going to be that way.   But do you have enough bankroll to fund that and do you have the willpower not to increase your bets once you start winning?
No wonder New York has the highest outbreak and the infection rate keeps going up! Look at these workers at a funeral home handling the transport van with some of the bodies in body bags. No masks on and no overall protective equipment. And there is confirmed sightings and an investigation into fluids dripping from some of the vans and stacked up bodies outside of the funeral home.

Totally unbelievable but totally believable with the mentality of so nany people. State and Federal laws mandate more personal protection equipment to be worn when handling simple non-hazardous fluid clean-up from truck accidents such as diesel fuel and gasoline and yet this is transpiring in today's atmosphere!

I will have a number 6 along with three number 4 appetizers to go and can you please make the Moo Shu pork a little bit extra spicy.

"NYC mayor calls bodies outside a Brooklyn funeral home "absolutely unacceptable"

QUOTE:  "What happened: On Wednesday, the bodies were discovered after someone reported fluids dripping from four trucks parked outside the Andrew Cleckley Funeral Home in Brooklyn, a law enforcement official told CNN.

The home was overwhelmed and ran out of room for bodies, which were awaiting cremation, and used the trucks for storage, a second law enforcement source said Wednesday."



Can you imagine the waiting line and the desire to have the first couple conventions, sporting events or concerts inside the Atlantic City Convention Center once this pandemic is over? Boy that's going to go over real big!  That's going to go over so big,I bet they got thousands of people waiting to rent that place out as soon as this pandemic is over!

So the Press is reaching and it is just calling it, 'The X Factor'.  Man in my opinion the Press is having a field day.
