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Messages - alrelax

What a shoe!  Fantastic.  Just following what it is producing.  Plenty of Players Side Dragon Bonuses.  If it was not a natural or at least a 7, almost every 3rd card pull, raised the Players side to 7, 8 or 9 and/or if the Banker Side pulled, it was almost always a reduction to near zero if not zero.  Numerous 8 or 9 total hand values over the Bankers side of 0 or 1.


After I took the picture, it was 3 more Players followed by one Banker, followed by another 3 Players.  Then 3 ties in a row followed by 5 additional Players.

Then a long Section of Chop-Chop. 

I told you guys about the 0-1-2 or 3 (Low Ties) being present with strong presentments or even a weak event and both their consistencies. 

Wagering & Intricacies / June 26th Early AM Shoes
June 26, 2019, 08:42:53 AM
11 and 11 in the near beginning.  5 Fortune 7s in the shoe.  Banker run had 2 Fortune 7s in it!  Loved that!  Two more followed not long after. 


Panda 8 pays off and another Panda 8 follows not long after.  Loved that also.  We switched casinos to play the Bad Beat Bac.  Note the Bad Beat win on the Player also, quadruple hit.  Player wins with a Panda 8, Bad Beat wins, Panda 8 wager wins and also if you had Any 8/7 you would have won that also.  When player is strong, it is strong! 


General Discussion / Re: New Member Here....
June 25, 2019, 10:24:32 PM
 Welcome to our board.  Enjoy! Alrelax/Glen
There most certainly are fortunates and unfortunates, depending upon whom you may be Vic in this situation.

Many of the members will not care one way or the other.  However, some of the most outspoken ones will dramatize their own agenda based upon their own interpretation of the situation based upon their own thoughts, selfishness and position as written by themselves.  And if they were negative on it before, they will multiple that many times over in support of themselves, not you, not the board, just themselves. 

On the other hand, the members that are positive with this situation and history happening will most likely not publicly support you or the board because of those aggressive members that we already dealt with.  Sad, but absolutely true. 

As far as what is best for you, is the utmost importance as no one had more in the game here than you did.  Period.  Numerous positive things can of course come out of all of this.  It takes dedication, work and substance.  The three things IMO, that are always needed in most anything to change it, stay with it or improve things.  And to accomplish those very things, DEDICATION, WORK and SUBSTANCE, it takes a heck of a lot more than hatred, aggressive words, negativity, and dialog by a handful of members that are drama driven and bar room brawlers on their best nights at the key board.  A heck of a lot more! 

Funny how the people that have the least in the game or the nothing in it, act like they are the most effected by the change.  But in reality, it is like that in many things in life anyway. 

Quote from: alrelax on July 06, 2017, 11:41:08 AM
you are absolutely correct in letting or willingly  allowing other players to Influence you. however works both ways and I've had some of my largest wins with camaraderie and unofficial Partnerships where we followed each other at the table and we made consistent wins and avoided losses But be forewarned that easily backfires and causes ill will and a fast decent to losing a buy in as well.   

I still stick by this and this is one of the most powerful and best ways to win in a B&M Casino, but be forewarned, it easily backfires!
Wagering & Intricacies / Wagering & Related
June 24, 2019, 03:56:01 AM
Correct Thinking:        Focusing Correctly
                                 Anticipating & Neutralizing Pressure

Understanding Decision:   Causes & Multiple Causes
                                      Decision Criteria
                                      Making the Decision
                                      Understand & Recognizing Influence

Structuring:  Defining Your Structured Wagers
                   Bank Roll & Buy In
                   Realizing the Risk
                   Being Governed by the Risk & Reward

Learning from Experience:  Planning

The Opportunity:  Identifying
                           Closing the Loop

Winning Method:  Frame of Mind
                          Do It Now

Wagering:     Levels & Plateaus
                    1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd
                    1 + 4 Side Parlay (on again-off again wager)
                    Positive Progressions
                    Flat Wagering
                    Side Wagers and knowing the Proper Allocation for Them
Comp's--Front Money--Rebates--& Other Perks:  Understood, Used & Rationalized Out.
Quote from: Lungyeh on June 17, 2019, 09:14:51 PM
Used to be the site was informative. Then it got more informative as Glen went through a period when he was ?talkative? and posted lots. Which was just as well as the articles resonates with real baccarat experiences. For me anyway.

Then things got nasty and everytime I came here the posts were nothing about gaming but lots of personal attacks and innuendos. A dark age. Well, as in the casino, its always ?show me the money?.

Can we get back to where we were before the dark age? Please?

Let me start the ball rolling?

There was a time when somebody asked if bet selection is more important or money management. The votes were quite evenly split. I chose money management. Until today, I still believe so. Bet selection works for the trenders some times and works for the anti trenders other times. The decider comes down to MM when you are winning and when you are losing.

We most certainly can!

And this platform is your site and everyone's site!

As long as they follow some simple rules and be respectful, leave out all the rude, humiliating, dramatizing and pitiful one-liners, put downs and personal attacks with vengeance. 

June 22nd shoe.

Remember, I have wrote many time, F-7 in the first 10 hands, this one came on hand 9.  Or, second most is hand 16 to 23.

Back to the Players Side.  This section of Players came hand 22 through hand 46.  17 Players to 4 Bankers.  Here is the first half:

After much thought the past few days, I choose to bring forward something I have observed, attempted to define, follow and pursue for some time now.  I rather not label this and the many other results of, "Playing What is Being Presented In Front Of You", a trend, pattern, or anything of the likes.  It is a reoccurring event in the game of baccarat and what is extremely profitable to wager on when it is happening. 

I have notice and started to earmarked a reoccurring trend concerning the Players side, clumping, strong wins, 3rd card increases to win, etc., more so in the beginning and first half of shoes, more than elsewhere. 

I have posted numerous pictures of live B&M shoes the past several months but have slowed down in my posting of same due to the sideways battles and intense trolling, demeaning, chastising and humiliation by a small group of others that attack us here just prior to my purchase of BetSelection. 

In the near future I will certainly get back in that same grove of things and will continue with this.

Please remember, I am into live B&M Bac gaming, not on-line casinos from the house, etc.  There are influences that I have written about.  Some of us will admit and recognize those and yet others use the very things I wrote about as their ammunition, fuel and content to write their drama and utter non-sense with.  Please bear that in mind.

* The event produces more Players than Bankers; 
* The event usually clumps those Players rather than 2s and 3s of the Players versus a single or the sporadic double Banker;
* The event usually has 6 or higher total point winning Players side values, Or the 3rd card for the Players adding points that are falling the highest amount of times raising Players to 7-8 or 9;
* The event produces numerous 3rd card Banker side reductions to zero total hand value or nearly zero;
* The event happens far in excess of the Bankers side doing the same or similar type events;
* The event adheres to the +10 to +20 count of P versus B;
* The event will usually diminish itself after no more than 1/2 the shoe while reverting to the the trend of equalization/equilibrium, at least down to the count of + - 0 to + 6 or so before the Banker comes forward.

There are additional identifiers but those are the ones to get started here, off the top of my head.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat experts: a test for you
June 20, 2019, 11:29:55 PM
DITTO:  "It would be a honor for me to work with you Lungyeh as well as with many other members here."

Many of your comments are well taken as well.

Keep up the great all around postings.  Thanks.
Buy-In, 1-3-2-6 & 1+4 Wagering, Money Management System

I personally feel that those having a ?set anything? in gambling, especially playing baccarat is adding to the negativities and the volatility of the game against you.  What I am referring to is wagering and your money management, which are two of the most important things in gambling at baccarat.

After decades and decades of gambling at baccarat, I wholeheartedly believe and subscribe to a few different attacks on the game.  I normally do get into the mind-set of using all three when I sit down, at times I forgo one of them, but usually stay on track simultaneously alternating or combining them.  Here they are.

1)   My buy-in.  I do not like to re-buy in at all.  I feel that is a negative and a false cushion.  Many I observe with a low buy-in to their fund that they will risk and if lost, they re-buy in once again.  If they bring say $1,800.00 players might buy in up to 6 times with $300.00 each time.  I feel, that they have a false-cushion with safety and planning that way.  They are always saying, ?if I lose this in front of me?I will just buy in once again?, etc.  I rather see all my risk money in front of me before I win and divide it up, add to it and place some in reserve; 

2)   1-3-2-6 Positive Progression
.  My positive progression used the majority of the time.  I do not subscribe to negative progression unless it is a series of 2, possible 3 times and then only---if the pattern, trends and previous shoe outcomes warrant it, IMO, but almost never--will I did into my buy in risk funds to start engaging in a negative progression recouping effort; 

3)   1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager.
  I try to always have a side wager going for myself, when I am on a 'run' I can profit huge with my '1 unit' and then parlay that 1 unit, four times.  The one unit would normally come from a previous win amount.  As a rule, say I won $800.00, I might put $500 in my stack and then with the 3-$100 amounts, attempt a couple of 1 + 4 Parlay wagers.  I can't view it except anything but my ?lucky attempts? and my "lucky money", if I succeed with doing that one time, I would be winning $1,600.00 on the $100.00 parlay.  Better yet, what I do many times, is allocate something like $700 or $800 for a 4 chance attempt.  Say $800.00 with four chances at $200.00 each.  One successful win would net me a $3,200.00 from that initial $200.00 I played out. 

4)   1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd Money Management System.  When I double or triple my buy-in, I employ a money management system.  I divide up whatever amount I am winning, into thirds and put 1/3rd with my current buy-in, 1/3rd with a reserved amount in my pocket if I lose and desire to stay for whatever reasons and the other 1/3rd into a ?locked up? status that will not be deviated from.  I constantly divide up the win money every so often into those categories if I won. 

To me, it is all second nature.  And, after thinking back each time, I have noticed countless times, that one or the other saved me from the complete depletion of my buy-in. 

Getting ahead and quitting is very hard for myself without certain parameters that I mentioned above.  It allows me to see clearly at the table, focus on what I won, put away, have available, etc.  Instead of having a pile of chips and trying to be conscious of what I will gamble, hold, cash out or keep for later play, etc.  It works well for me the way I outlined.  It has nothing to do with wagering or strategy, it is simply a quick and easy method for all my misc., other than bet placement/bet selection method.  It does allow me to win more if I can and hold a certain amount without giving it back, etc.

Here is my reasoning.  "A Goal".  If it comes you are stopping--the true joy, the true ecstasy of the greatest game and easiest way to earn money, etc., etc.   If it doesn't come, you are going to fight, demand and feel hurt--abused--and cheated.  "Why am I here", "Why did I come here tonight", "Boy this life sucks", etc., etc., and so on.  But with both of those, you will always have, 'small losses and small wins', that is, if you stick to your stop loss and stick to your 'small win-immediate leave' protocol. Some how, at some time and inevitable--you will be busted out, ground down.  The question is not if---the question is--when.

So if you feel comfortable wagering a set amount of money and timing yourself with the wins as well as the losses, so be it.  You are, IMO, hampering any chances you truly have in this game.  I have seen hundreds turned into tens of thousands and thousands turning into hundreds of thousands.  It is all up to you, how you play, think and attack the casino.  But, what happens more times than others, is that you will feel shorted and used when you lose forcing yourself to allow repetitive buy-ins.  When you win you might be overcome with another personality and aura that will deplete all of your win and buy-in funds without offering you any chance to continue winning or maintain a certain amount you previously committed to stashing away. 
Quote from: Lungyeh on June 18, 2019, 06:41:33 PM
Glen -  it is really hard beyond comprehension to continually win 4 or more in a row. 

Then it must be really stressful to do 1-3-2-6 Glen. Because if you explain it in the next breath, it gets confusing. I remember somewhere you mentioned its subjective and it could be 1-1-3-1-2-1-1-6. Correct me if I am wrong. So the more then one unit bets could be arbitrarily placed and not necessarily consecutive to each other

Pray tell.

Yes and No.  Both. 

I do wager back to back a lot and also 3 in a row.  But most of the time I do keep my progressions and parlays going/continuing, even if it is not every hand. 

Again, depends on other factors such as how easy the previous wins came, extremely strong or very weak and catching them all or winning one out of 2 or 3, etc.  Everything has to be weighed. 

I give examples, impossible to give every type and scenario of course. 

So I may do a 1-3-2-6 but it might take me 10 or 15 hands in order to accomplish those 4 wagers.  Most of the time, I would keep it going, $200, $600, $400 and the 4th one for $1,200. 

And, I might change up yes.  3-9-6-18 or back to something real gentle like  1-1-1-5 or 1-1-1-2-4. 

But there is nothing saying we have to wager every hand or keep anything going. 

I have stated numerous times, I do like to be covered on all of my progressions with win money rather than sheer buy in risk capital.
Bank Rolls, Buy-Ins, Money Management, Wagering, Believes, Etc.

Money Management Systems tailored for your style and profit goals, etc., is the way to fuel your $$$ into your pockets when you gamble!

Lack of it will make you unsuccessful, not your choice of wagers or most other things, but lack of a money management system will hurt you more than any other thing in gambling, period!

The whole picture is your Bank roll and what you risk when you play out of your bank roll.  Personally, when I am playing locally and not staying for a week, say in Las Vegas or another major gambling destination, I only take my buy-in which is a small percentage of my dedicated bank roll.  Personally, I do risk my buy-in for the session without a stop loss.  More times than not, meaning the majority of times I can profit.  The few times I do loss my buy-in, it is far outweighed by my wins, because I use a 1/3rd Money Management System that, I refined to allow myself to leave with win money and as well?replace my original buy-in without further risk to that either. 

Buy-Ins.  So, buy-ins are totally separate from the bank roll.  5-10% buy-in at the most of the bank roll.  Personally, I cannot envision playing every day as many state they do or desire to do.  The fallacy of winning every day or having large enough bank rolls to survive hundreds of units of down swings to make a few units, is still ?dreamsville? to me after playing for around 40 years.  Personally, once or twice a week is about it, at least on a regular basis, IMO and experience.   My other rock solid iron clad rule that I might break once every 100 trips, is never buying in a second time if the buy in was lost without being able to play on win money. 

Win Money.  Personally, I employ my 1/3rd-1/3rd-1/3rd money management system which cannot and will not fail me to replace my buy-in and always leave with win money.  Period. 

What so many baccarat players I have played alongside, observed and been associated with over the years, make a single mistake.  Which is, the continued buying in after they lose their initial buy-in.  They have no structure or self-control, none.  They will drain themselves in the worst catch-22 situations they create and entrap themselves in.  If you lose, you lose.  That is it.  If you can?t get past this?nothing can or will ever help you.  Nothing, zip.  Keep losing your units and keep flat betting or even negative progression and all you do is sink yourself worse and worse.

Win money causes more clouded vision and obnoxious behavior at the baccarat table.  Get over it.  Know what wins are and how they come or do not come in proportion to losses.  You will do yourself a huge justice by learning what I just said. 

Stop believing what you play on paper using a free game, such as the one on Wizard of Odds website or any of the other on-line casino websites where they offer practice shoes.  There are other factors within a casino that come into play that do not exist on the internet. 

If you have no plan or a haphazard notion, or you sometimes do this or that with your win money---you will risk it and lose it every single time.  Those that use their win money to fuel their positive session they start to encounter will eventually lose it all, because you will play until you get it back, you will lose it all plus anything you have access to.

Do not keep adding to your bank roll.  You will doom yourself.

Do not play larger because you won a few sessions.

1-2-3-4 or 2-4-6-12, etc., positive progression will kill you if you religiously do them.  I talked about this numerous times in other posts I written.  It is easy to win one or two wagers, it is really hard beyond comprehension to continually win 4 or more in a row.  300 to 600 to 1,200 to 2,400 will happen so rarely, your lost units will outweigh by huge amounts, your won units!  That is why I subscribe to 1-3-2-6 and other versions of that style.  If I win one or two, then I ride free to win larger.  Another story and like I said, I wrote and explained that in detailed before on the board.  I promise you that it is the only way to do good-okay or at least better in the long run. 

Concerning playing every day or say 5 to 6 times a week, your mind will not allow you to play level headed and repeatedly profit a few units and continually build you bank roll.  So many preach it?it is not realistic or doable.  Sorry to harp on it, but I see it all the time.  It is not going to happen.  You will lose more than you win.  Again, looks great on paper and in theory, but you cannot and will not do it and religiously profit every week, week in and week out.

So much talk about 1's, 2's and 3's.  With it or against it.  The times you are correct you will eventually (seriously 100% of the time over say a period of sessions) give it all back by continually believing and wagering the way you just won.  That same shoe will produce just as many 1's, 2's and 3's and "cuts", the opposite way that you wager on, and if that one does not---the subsequent ones you will be playing that same day or the following days, will.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it will happen the absolute highest majority of the times. 

The way you can be successful at something like that, is to be there when it happens with a certain wagering thought, but immediately after you profit from it, you have to religiously subscribe to 'refreshing and resetting' and forgetting about that.  Not particularly easy as the psychological effect will attempt to steer you to what just made you $$$ and made you delightful and feeling good all over.  Then as you attempt the replication of that same series of wagering, the shoe presentments went the opposite ways. 

Money Management Systems,.  M.M. is much more than a negative or a positive progression.  Much more than a win-stop or a loss-stop.  That is where so many will fail as well.  They play all the time, every session as if attempting to repeat their best one or copy in real life as to what they learned on paper or the internet.  Real life is a bit different than Doctor Seuss books once you are older than say 10 years old, IMO.  Realize it.

There are coincidences and phenomena in baccarat, and that is what will cloud your vision and confuse you, more than anything else in this game!  Instilling a bad sense of knowledge you will (I promise you!) wager on.  Meaning, what you saw altered your good vision or your good sense of judgement and you believed the shoe will present the hands according to what you desire through wishful thinking or fallacy beliefs.  Once you figure all this out through experience and losses, you can become a very profitable baccarat player.  Real life analogy.  Think of what I just said in this paragraph as erotic foreplay you seen in a movie.  Translate that to yourself and your erotic desires.  How many times will you lay your eyes on a female, grasp each other, go buy the bottle of wine and strip each other's clothes off and find yourself on those silk and satin sheets with the wind blowing through the open window and the dove that, suddenly flew in and perched himself on the bedpost as you make love to the most beautiful girl you happened to meet in your life and you don't even know her name?

Playing -?-, -?- or -?- of the shoes or only wagering after ever 4th repeating banker or player for the '1s' or the 'cuts', does not matter.  As many times as you win those, you will lose when those do not happen.  Simple.  But those that go into dialog s, real convincing and real slick will convince you otherwise.  Counting, waiting and looking for an event will not work in the long run.  It might for the same day-one session and if you only play once or twice a year, but it will not if you play on a regular basis.  Playing that way will kill you, I promise you!
Call me crazy, call me the Rain Man with this repetitive talk.  But you know what, it freaking works. 

Haphazard sucks and willpower and devotion to flat betting is like seeing how far a knife can stick into you without passing out.  The list truly goes on. 

Wager 1:  $100 wager and win.  $200 in front of you.
Wager 2:  $300 wager and win.  $600 in front of you. ($200 back in buy-in, $200 next wager/$200 side)

If you did lose at this point, you only invested the 2 units of your buy-in, say you bought-in with $1,000 and got your 10 black chips.  If you won at this point you have a $400 win.  Think about it---you are going to wager anyway, why not have a plan and a way to capitalize if it does go your way, instead of just throwing your chips into your buy-in and keep trying for more and more??? 

Here comes the best part, if you won--you are on the casino's money (yes it is yours but you want to gamble like me and you want to win something more than a couple hundred, or if you are in a larger gaming jurisdiction--say Vegas, AC, Connecticut or Florida you can make that $100/1 Unit, $500, etc.)  To me, at this point it is Money Management to a point because you are certainly managing and maximizing your bank roll and chances. Wagers 3 and 4 are the best, '2 free chances' now that you paid your dues on the first two, no further risk on the these two.

Wager 3:  $200 wager and win.  $400 in front of you.  (You now have $600 win and you have nothing
                                                                                 from your original buy-in at risk)
Wager 4:  $600 wager and win.  $1,200 in front of you.  (If you lost, oh well, back to the one unit, even
                                                                                    you won, back to one unit, the same or higher)

Now, if I won Wager 3, I would take at least one more unit from my buy-in, and in this case, that would have been $100.  I would also wager my 4 parlay 'side wager'.  Yes, on top of my 1-3-2-6 wagering bet of course.  With the 4 time parlay, I would set that aside and probably not wager it consecutively, just here and there.  Wager the first time and parlay 4 times.  So with this, I attempt the $100, $200, $400, $800, $1,600 wagers.  If I am successful on that, the ultimate before pocketing, would be $3,200 for a $3,100 profit. 

And, like I mentioned--I don't wager this '1 and 4 parlay' every hand, but it is my separate wager of sorts whether combined with another one or by itself. 

That way, I have extra action-motivation and things going on.  For myself, it works out a heck of a lot better than haphazardly wagering.  Thus, giving yourself real purpose and direction in wagering goals and a plan of sorts.

PS:  You do not have to wager every hand either.  Do not forget: The 1 + 4 Side Parlay is a separate action wager going on aside from your main wagering action. 
Here is the summation.

When I win, I take 1/3 of the win money and pocket it, cash it and will not in any way whatsoever use it.  I take another 1/3 of the win money and increase my Bankroll with it.  I take the remaining 1/3rd of the win money and keep it as a reserve if I lose my bankroll I am playing with and still desire to play longer. 

You can do it with any amount of win.  Say you buy in with $600.00 and get up to $1,800.00.  Take $400 and pocket it.  Increase your Bankroll to $1,000.00 and put the other $400 in your pocket as a backup bankroll. 

Say you won another $1,000.00.  Take $350.00 and make your bankroll $1,350.00.  Take another $350.00 and put it with the $400.00 and that makes $750.00 you can't touch.  Take the other $300.00 and put it with the reserve bankroll you have of $400 making it now $700.00.

For me, I get the piece of mind, that I always have another chance if I lose and still want to keep playing.  I have something from my win money already 'locked up' and cannot be touched.  I have a slightly bigger bankroll.  When I do these things, it stops me from playing the way I used to with win money, and seldom holding on to it when things turned ugly. 

All I know for me and some others, compiling the win money into your bankroll sitting on the table, only makes it subjected to larger bets and being lost easier than it does without some kind of plan. 

Do it with any amount of win money, adjust it for your own psychological well being.  To me and most I speak with, it is easier to walk away after winning, when you know you have really tried to win more and maybe one more shot or another round at a table after a meal or a break, etc.  Maybe you can win money and stack it up in front of you and value it properly, but for most players it makes them play a bit more recklessly and dangerously then when they initially sat down with XYZ bankroll.

For me, I am satisfied with the way it works out when I do some kind of plan as I mentioned here.  When I just throw the winnings into the stack in front of me, I have to attempt calculations at how much for this and how much I should cash out 'later', etc.  If I put all my winning  into my pocket and employ 'attempted' willpower, there is no reward and satisfaction for the instant time, while sitting there playing.  If I divide it up as I go along, I have clearer mind and gives me a psychological advantage.