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Messages - alrelax

IMO, (hey Tyson-Spinks and Holyfield, etc., etc., wannabes) the punching bag is up  ;)

$75.00 for Vic from me 5-22-19 (May 22nd, Year=2019), not counting prior of course.

His money to float, his time to make it possible, what he chooses to do for a living is his business, but he shares with all of us-because he is a person, feelings, emotions, rather than a commercial behind the scenes WHATEVER. 

This place is not a VegasMessageBoard or a WizardOfOdds or YouTube and FaceBook scams and rubbish, where they can self sustain the place from hits and click ons, etc. 

Take it anyway you want it, take it for what it is worth, demean and chastise, whatever. 

Give him something, step up to the pump.  Seriously.

Vic, you had two wagers out there last night.  First was a straight up $125.00 but it lost.  I tried again and you won 10% of my winning Fortune BetSelection (LOL), the very last hand of the shoe, without a single F-7.  I told the person with me, if I win it, Vic gets 10% minus a quarter for the first one where I lost $125.00.  I have a picture but cannot download it and get it posted until later.

Why can't 10 people do the same?  Go ahead boxers, punch me out now!  I like Tyson though.   

Definitely one of the best!  :nod:
A good discussion last night among several regular casino players of baccarat. 

We all agreed on the following:

Less than 50% of the time your wager will be correct on the Player or the Banker.

Also, more than 50% of the time your wager will be wrong on the Player or the Banker.

What you are up against is yourself and your decisions and how your deal with the outcome of them, not easy to keep it all in order all the time, at the B&M table in a live casino.

Written By:


I appreciate and salute you for your dedicationto this forum and its noble aims of educating baccarat players. The efforts you put in to record games played in the midst of real money betting is in itself a tremendous challenge. And the ?essays?  (and I mean this in a most respectful way) is a great effort and sacrifice to put your experience across. By and large these experiences as you narrated are really useful guide. Of course when you narrate in the volumes you have, there probably have been instances where the message was not interpreted the way you meant it to be or there may be situations you may have inadvertently contradicted yourself but circumstances were different but not fully explained. And then critics jump on it and said ? last time you said this now you say this ...?. I can only say that your pieces have been informative and very relevant as are contributions by some others.

Stay the course Glen. I just wish those who do not agree with you treat you with more decorum. I really don't know what's their problems. But sometimes you have been abrasive yourself without provocation. But I find your articles, long winded as some of them may be, to be informative and relevant for baccarat players to stay alive on the game!! God bless"

I thank you Lungyeh.  Here let me comment.  I was not going to and after thinking about it, I am doomed if I do and as well, doomed if I do not in many ways. 

Others are respected on here and other forums because they stand by, it is science and/or math, but not really math because math cannot work, it is my way and here is what I found (according to them).  They say how smart they are and how condescending and unintelligent others are because of such and such, in other words---how people such as myself are self-exploiting jerk offs because we boast, pat ourselves on the back and we lie, in their eyes because of something they will quote, add, twist and pick apart.  Yes I agree, drama and drama driven, of course they are judge, jury and prosecutors all wrapped up into one.  God Bless them and so be it.  It is what it is.

Have I made mistakes in the past, sure thing.  Do I regret things I have said or done, of course.  I have apologized to those I felt a need to and they are the ones that will not accept it because it is not beneficial to their ultimate plan to enlist others, control and be some of big swinging male member.  I do not care, not one tiny bit!  I do have a career, a business, family members and a pretty well rounded wonderful busy life outside of gambling and the board here, by large and far. Pretty much the exact opposite of what a few of them painted, with their own lies, demeaning ways, humiliation and name calling without real knowledge themselves of the factual truth.  But whatever, practice what you preach which most of them do not and have not done.  Just I am a bit more vocal, harder and outlandish, my problem okay.

The people you mention, without names, even care about how long I am on the site, how long my posts are, they read every one of them and they follow, they troll and they comment on most every single thing they claim I have, either by themselves or by proxy, plain and simple.  They talk about mirrors and looking at myself, yet they are doing the exact same except in a slicker and more gentle way with the use of reverse or indirect chastising, humiliation and degradation.  Practice what you preach, which they do not do.

They also claim, that I say it is my way or no way and how I chastise and demean those that do not pair up with me or see it my way.  The absolute furthest thing from the truth, really.  But hey, it makes great retaliation driven drama for them that they get others to believe and side with them.  Once again, so be it.  Hey, how many times have you seen me on the newest members Blog and posting hate or trolling to redundant messages that stand or are deleted?  Yet, they do it to me.  Once again, all fine. 

I absolutely do agree there are some great minds here, just they are actually hard headed, condescending and exemplify exactly what they accuse me of doing, IMO.  But really, it is their way or no way, etc.  Yet, their answers are posted as, hard and off the hip, been there and down that, it will not work, you cannot understand my post because you have not played long enough, etc., etc., and tons of other things all along those lines.  Once again, so be it.  We all have different writing styles, examples, experiences, money levels, families and lives.  They retaliate with claimed purpose and drive that they are eradicating an evil person which justifies their trolling, their cussing, their demeaning and lies---once again of course, so be it. 

You said; "The efforts you put in to record games played in the midst of real money betting is in itself a tremendous challenge".
I have and thank you.  At times I enjoy doing just that and yet, I have not posted much of what I actually wanted to, because of the rude and crude comments, you post too much, you dominate the board, the board is all about you.  You give no one else a chance.  Which are actually all self-serving drama driven statements to provoke instead of contributing with real usable content within the general board rooms or starting one of their own Blog rooms.  And, no one has to go on my Blog, which is not part of the public forum rooms and read anything, post or troll, but they do. 

You said; "And the 'essays'  (and I mean this in a most respectful way) is a great effort and sacrifice to put your experience across. By and large these experiences as you narrated are really useful guide". Thank you once again.  I have yes.  Most of the times I have enjoyed writing them and countless ones I have not because of the insults, the doubt, the non-productive and insulting comments and once again, the chastising and humiliation by only some, regardless, I have not fully came to life with additional writing because of negativity.  But most noticeably, I have written about it and have admitted, I have learned and been able to self-define many things writing about my experiences, which I can only assume was my motivating force for doing the posts I have in long winded, but absolutely real, truthful and from my experiences rather than what a few accuse me of.   

You said; "Of course when you narrate in the volumes you have, there probably have been instances where the message was not interpreted the way you meant it to be or there may be situations you may have inadvertently contradicted yourself but circumstances were different but not fully explained".  YES! You are correct, 100%.  No doubt.  That has happened and writing within a Blog about reality and the game of baccarat, will appear just that way.  And I am sure some of my earlier writings were either corrected later on in my own learning experiences but most importantly, I have been sarcastic and used pun and innuendos once in a while and those came back to haunt me or twisted and turned by other members on their sole mission, to discredit and post drama driven rubbish that serves no point except to be sarcastic and condescending while attempting to be the teacher, the one that magically exposed what I wrote and the investigator that proves that I lost millions, had nothing, post fake pictures, have no business, am a degenerate losing gambler and countless other things.  Once again, the seemingly appearing great teachers, worthy of being the Popes assistant or perhaps even the successor to the Pope himself or maybe even a commander of an army, is certainly whom they are.  Laughable, but I will agree and surrender, for sake of not having another argument on here.

But again, in Brick & Mortar casino baccarat, most of what I have written about happens on a fairly repetitive basis, just different properties and people.  No one is everywhere, 24/7/365. 

You said; "I can only say that your pieces have been informative and very relevant as are contributions by some others".
  Thank you.  As far as the second part, yes I do agree. 

You said;  "But sometimes you have been abrasive yourself without provocation".
  Yes, you are correct, although some of it came from and originated between myself and LarryS on another board as well as the infamous 21Aces on this board, and I have admitted that and I do apologize for those.  But yes, I have on here as well, no matter a carryover from another board or not.  I put a lot of work into much of what I have written and took a lot of it personal.  So be it.  I have numerous articles and experiences I have never written about and really the desire to post them dwindles.  Even within my own Blog which has nothing to do with anyone else whatsoever. 

What I still do not understand is, if someone does not enjoy, find interesting, learn from, or anything else positive, why would they come onto a personal Blog Room and follow its author?  I certainly do not go onto others intrude and infringe upon their space and never would. 

You said;  "But I find your articles, long winded as some of them may be, to be informative and relevant for baccarat players to stay alive on the game!!" Thank you once again, I do appreciate that.  I have received at least 3 dozen PMs and/or emails from members that do not post and some that do.  I have forwarded and shared some of those with Vic a while back.  I have kept up many times when I felt no need to continue here, because of those personal contacts with their comments. 

Thank you for your to the point post and God Bless you and your family, we go way back and we have successfully accomplished those few other things off the board (non board business) and those other people that benefited are grateful to you as well. 

Thanks and I do appreciate your post and all I can say is I will try to correct and improve, Alrelax/Glen.

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
May 16, 2019, 02:35:55 PM
WOW!  What possibilities for the extremely knowledgeable baccarat player racking in the tens of millions of dollars a year with great knowledge and sure win systems.  This would be the ideal ultimate ride to the casinos to take all their money, week after week.  No problem with burn out or stress, merely retreat to the parking lot and rest in style! 

Check out 2:20 to 5:00.  Just a few sessions.  Let me think,  100 units at $10,000.00 to $25,000.00 a unit.  No problem Sweet Jane, do it.  Just Do It like the folks at Nike said! 

I actually think I saw one of our members here driving something similar to this the other day, pull into the casino.  He walked up to a bac table, watched and watched.  Took out a quarter and flipped it.  He then pulled out a few high dollar (unit) chips and placed it on a wager.  He won.  Pulled down his chips, cashed out and left.  He grabbed his crotch all the way out, whatever that meant, but regardless, he left after winning the one wager.  No grind, no fuss, no mess.  I stopped him and asked him if he guessed or what. He said, there is no guessing in this game it is all based on skill and extreme research knowledge.  Just left with his hand on his crotch, perplexing!

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
May 16, 2019, 02:11:25 PM
Oh well, get the ordering done for the inventory and going to call H-Money and see what his plans are for tonight or tomorrow night.  We should probably go to the casino and play a few shoes. 

Let me get a doughnut with those scrumptious multi colored sprinkles and a cup of great coffee.  I will call him and see what is up.  Hopefully he did not sneak out to the casino this week, he promised he would wait till late week.

I think he sees the light.  Hopefully he did not drink too much beer or eat too much PHO this week. 
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
May 16, 2019, 02:03:49 PM
Oh lord!  I have been accused of spending too much time on the computer and the concern was actually done by someone attempting to discredit, demean and troll me.  LOL! (Disclosure: I did not say here so do not assume I am directing this at anyone here, STOP THE ASSUMPTIONS!)  I asked one of my workers and she came up with this link I am posting, as she came to my environment from a bookkeeping job in an office.  It was a slow office and when there was nothing to do they would of course play on the computer.  She said her boss emailed her this and said, I know you spend time doing other things on the computer, maybe you should help out in other departments.  But the bottom line is, I think it is a great pun innuendo! 

Why would someone really care like Victor says, what another does?  he is exactly correct, 100%!

As far as the Blogs go, If you do not enjoy, like, find interesting, learn from, relate to or something positive along those lines, there would be no reason to waste your time on another's Blog.  In all reality, you are wasting your precious time and you reduce yourself to the mentality of the Blogger and find yourself being frustrated and unnecessarily inflaming yourself with hatred.  Maybe that is why Lee Harvey Oswald did what he did?  Maybe huh? 

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
May 12, 2019, 06:27:12 PM
4 Songs from last night.  Yes, into music a great expression of our experiences, likes, dislikes, and everything else. 

#1)  The Best of the Best:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBUe_v6Mi70&list=RDFBUe_v6Mi70&start_radio=1

And yes, this was one of the songs on the casinos play list when we were there!

And, when the players can quickly empty the dealers chips rack and the floor manager has to call security and stop the game, it is past exciting.  I do not care what you have experienced, there is no feeling seeing every chip except the white chips in the dealers rack taken by the players.  None, none whatsoever!  And the $5,000 table we did it on was on the main floor, so you can imagine how many people were standing there watching this take place.   

#2)  Second one was:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM0Fl2MnV5Y

My boys from NYC and Jersey when they collaborated with Areosmith, perfect song at the casino when you are winning of course. 

#3) Another great song from the time we were there:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwqoce0Ruso

#4)  This is the one I continually over sing a phrase or two at the tables on occasion and the past couple of night with two great shoes out of the 3 and a half that were great, I changed to words from wrong place to right place.  After all, gotta bring out the camaraderie and let it shine!

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
May 12, 2019, 04:20:40 PM
Yeah, we are sitting here after a few hours sleep.  I have someone covering my business all day today.  H-Money is technically closed on Sundays unless he gets an emergency call form a client.  The other family member has a corporate job,spoiled no weekends, LOL.

We got a few hours sleep and H-Money has ants in his pants to get to the casino. I yelled and screamed at him and still holding the first $18k I cashed out. He has the rest.  I am going to give him a crash course in real life Money Management After The Casino Win, in a few min's after some coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts someone is delivering to us. 

1) Pay past bills
2) Pay all bills for next 30 to 90 days at least (if not more)
3) Replace your Back Roll, in his case, he blew his 10 times over, so I will design one for him
4) Put away emergency money for his family, his case at least $2,500.00 cash with an elderly family member that does not go to the casino, etc.
5) Put away next few months extra money for his family members, birthdays, graduations, etc. His case I figure about $3,000.00
6) Pay the one lady he borrowed money from with interest owed.  I will do that for him before giving him back the remainder of the $18k
7)  That should leave him around $6k to $7k for his new Bank Roll. 

He will understand how this works, this time he can see it.  No more euphoric recall, the best way I have found to describe bac players and their reasoning, to say what overpowered them or him at the tables the past year or so.

Talking about it and doing it are two separate and seldom connected events.  But this time he can be hands on and he has experienced the bad side for a while.  I know a lot of gamblers and a lot of real casino bac players for many years.  Every single one of them that have anything today, have lost everything several times, but at least once.  Not a single one has won and consistently kept winning and always positive since day one, not one, not a single one.    

We are unwinding (as others say, LOL)  H-Money, myself and another family member still up after the midnight to 5 am outing to the casino for the second night in a row. 

At the house made some pasta sauce (Sunday Gravy) with a 2 pound package of Linguine.  My base gravy form scratch, canned Italian Roma tomatoes squeezed by hand and everything else.  A whole 2 pound package of mild Italian sausage, etc.  Came out pretty darn good, no great!  Huge bowls for each of us.  H-Money the commie does not like Parmesan on his pasta so his is without. 

Oh yeah, please understand the sauce highlights the pasta, not inundates it!   




H-Money recouped right at $24,000.00 from the one shoe the other night.  I took $18,000.00 right off the table and went to cash it in.  I held it for him with making him to stick to 1/3rd of the $6,000.00 win in front of him plus his buy in. 

He got up to $11,000.00 or so of win without his buy in, using my 1/3rd Money Management Method and then went went down to $7,500.00. Then I told him I was leaving and he agreed. 

His total recoup was right at $25k to $26k with his buy in put back away as well.

It worked.  Thank the Lord!
Oh Lord, H-Money text me this morning before he got out of his house to go open his business.  He said he had a dream last night.  I will post the text later tonight. 
Alrelax's Blog / Wagering with or Against others
May 06, 2019, 02:07:30 PM
The following was posted by Lungyeh, in another thread:

There have been countless discussions about systems based approaches, trends, anti trends, dragon repeat, dragon jump (BPBPBP...) etc.

I had an interesting discussion with several gamers recently as to an approach which has won one practitioner S$1mil per year for 2 years running now.

This guys spends 4-5 hours a day in the casino walking around looking for a noisy busy table. Baccarat tables are normally busy in Asian based casinos due to the popularity of the game. He finds a table and watches for a lead customer on a roll ie making unfathomable winning hands. He merely follows with a S$1k bet and once awhile S$2k. He wins 3-4 bets and leaves making S$3-4k per day. No fuss no stress. No system.

One could also find a losing customer who loses no matter what he bets. We just bet opposite to his bets. I am not a proponent of this schadenfreude approach and I find no joy in this practice and do not recommend.

But following the winning bets of a customer on a roll sounds good and less stressful.

And yes, I totally agree.  I have written about this and most things that go along with it, emotions, winning no matter what the person wagers on, losing no matter what the person wagers on, etc.  It all affects the atmosphere of those sitting at the table.

No matter what anyone says, a table of screaming people winning stacks of chips equivalent to most any ones weekly pay check or take from a business within 30 to 90 seconds at a clip, is powerful.  That is a given.  Coupled with occurring hand after hand after hand.

Like wise, the complete opposite.  Losing.  Extremely powerful as well,  Although a miserable aura and heart wrenching feelings abound, especially when you know the people or have played with them for some time, even worse.   

There are players at a table that will very obviously wager very clearly opposite of what some are doing and there are other players that will also wager with those, especially the larger wagering bets being made.  Both have an effect on many people, maybe not all, but most.  I generally do not wager against people, I have if I see something else that leads me that way, but rarely have I for just that sole reason.  On the other hand, I have solely wagered with other players, which I call getting sucked in, for the sole reason of their wager.  Seldom is it a small wager or just asking someone what side to wager on, etc. 

Many things at the bac table as I have mentioned in my long rants and threads, etc., have pointed these things out.  Yes, there are many side ways things that come into play for various reasons I believe we all have, no matter if that is columns, roads, guessing, past experiences, things other players are saying and doing, etc. 

If someone can limit themselves to something such as Lungyeh stated above, it simplifies the game enormously.  However, there very well might be a downfall to that as well.  Can that person looking for a happy/joyous table with a certain caliber of winning player or even a losing one with the player destined in his mind to lose, and place your larger wager accordingly always maintain their winnings and consistently rely on that as the sole source of their betting reason(s).  A few wagers, quick and simple.  A nice possible protocol?

Can that be replicated into its own game plan and schedule for others to count on?  But do it too much and the tables turn, which they always will in the game of bac.

Brings one player to mind I watched for years.  Always came with the same amount of money.  $600.00.  Always bought in for $300.00 once or twice.  Once if he won and twice if he lost.  His wagers were always the same.  I can not tell you why he wagered on what he did, he never spoke to anyone.  But it was clear what he was doing.  He was betting on the opposite side when everyone was all heavy wagering on one side, but never the first time the table wagered on that one side after the guy got there and bought in. He would put the $300.00 on the opposite side and if won he would do it one additional time with a full parlay.  His goal was to wager to win $900.00.  He never played more than the $600.00 once a week and he almost never played past obtaining $900.00 if he won.  I might have seen him wager once more on rare occasion.  I just remember this player now that Lungyeh wrote what he did.

I see many wager small amounts and much larger amounts with that purpose.  I have just never seen anyone that decisively did it without wagering anything else or playing a longer time, with the exception of that one person.   

Fact is, anything is possible and anything can win in Bac for a few hands within a shoe.     
TITLE:  Collusion on the Felt
AUTHOR:  Michael Philip Pernatozzi
Published: 2008
iUniverse Books

Novel, easy reading, thriller, Baccarat and Vegas.  Written buy a long term X-Casino industry person from Vegas and the author lives in Vegas.

I recommend this for easy reading. 




