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Messages - alrelax

Good background for start of some of your research, for those curious as to where past Pandemics came from or how they came about.   ???

Same as in gambling, reality is reality.

One of the best comedians of all time. RIP  Mr. Buddy Hackett. This was a classic, a Buddy Hackett joke about duck hunting


How Caesar's Palace Casino closed down in Las Vegas and what they did while they were closing down. Click on the link, good article for informational purposes.

"We didn't have a manual on how to close the casino in Las Vegas. That's not something we ever anticipated ever needing to do," McBurney said, adding, "we quickly moved to take the cash out of the slot machines, deposit to the cage. Take the cash out of the cage and deposit it into the bank. Cose the restaurants. Close the hotels and look at our inventories."

Quote from: AsymBacGuy on October 14, 2019, 08:41:21 PM
That's a good list indeed.
Probably casinos would win much less if every player will follow religiously those guidelines.

You have to learn that the shoe you are gambling at, has no dependency or connection to any statistical or other tangible or intangible research or thought, anywhere, anyplace, any way, shape or form

I agree with this statement only because you used the word "gambling".


Matches what you wrote yesterday within your thread.
The biggest jerk lady in politics I ever seen in my entire life, she needs to go back to California, resign and hide herself in a closet for the rest of her life.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
March 23, 2020, 05:04:46 AM
Oh yeah, don't forget some of the other things I wrote and one of the most important is  0, 1, 2, 3 ties and how things seem to stay the same no matter if it's players or ones and twos or whatever, but I find that holds true more so towards strong  players or chopping rather than Banker's clumping together, reference the low amounts of ties such as what's in these two shoes in the link.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
March 23, 2020, 03:43:41 AM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on March 23, 2020, 02:17:43 AM

- no way you can find a long term profitable betting plan without speculating that outcomes are not perfectly randomly placed as random bac outcomes are unbeatable by a 1 billion degree. 

-  to ascertain outcomes are not properly random produced only place selection and probability after events tools can help you by strict scientifically accurate assessments. Some bac productions are better than others, meaning they involve a higher unrandomness factor.

- best way to take an advantage without suffering the variance impact is by looking just for one unit profit per a given amount of hands.

- no matter how's your strategy and which side you choose to bet, each set of two consecutive wagers must get a way higher 75% probability to win. Considering as Banker side as a steady advantaged option is one of the biggest mistake to make. Asym hands favoviring Banker don't come out so often, especially whether consecutively taken.

-  the game cannot be altered or predicted by human considerations, otherwise it wouldn't exist.


Explaining certain finds are difficult.  Great writing.

Add my Sections & Turning Points and a player can start capitalize!

And so many baccarat players forget about that 5th card coming out that more often favors the players side rather than the bankers.   Especially with something that's foreseeable within a section.

Such as when the players have zero or even a 1, so often players pull that big card meaning a six, seven or eight and it puts the bankers out of the game for that hand or the players have that three, four, five or six and the players pull that small card again it puts the bankers out of the game for that hand.  And it happens repeatedly within a section like three or four players to one Banker, four or five players to one or two bankers then another one or two or three players to one banker and then three or four players to one or two bankers and then a little mini run comes out of 5, 6, 7, 8 players to one or two Bankers before it straightens out. 

And it's so easy to capitalize on all those players versus waiting for the bank to get strong. At least in my opinion, you know what I'm talking about.
Our love for gaming and entertainment will not stop. With that said, life goes on and we have to deal with what gets handed to us on a daily basis with the current situation surrounding the C-19 crisis.  I am not a full-time, part-time or any type of  advocate of politics by any means, but I do have my likes and my dislikes as well, the same as everyone of us does. But I will say that I'm quite impressed with the White House press conference that was on a few hours ago here and for reference it is Saturday March 21st.

The press conference that was at the White House with Donald Trump and his staff members, said a lot and was quite informative.  Like what Trump said, many administrations preceded himself and they did nothing or very little to stock inventory or address anything that we need to properly address and combat against the C-19 in the current crisis. Of course the majority of everybody is blaming it on him, when it's not his fault.

This whole crisis is simply unprecedented and thus we learn, we gain experience and we move forward. No matter how costly in health, life and the economy. Many crises pandemic events have happened in the past and unfortunately, the future holds other crisis events of unknown types, whether in the United States or other countries.

Sure in the United States we closed the majority of everything down in rapid speed, both voluntarily and involuntarily, but the fact is it was done and hopefully that will curve part of our problem here in the United States. What was done with the C-19 crisis prior to it reaching the United States and other countries such as China and parts of Europe, is a serious issue as well as what is here in the United States.  We have to live with this and we have to address it. DO YOUR PART!

What I see in the media with most reporters are blaming and finger-pointing and causing farther anxiety and problems.  I wasn't entirely happy with Trump's responses until today and what was detailed and spoke about in previous press conferences. The press conference today was reality and I wholeheartedly do not believe that any other president could have foreseen or avoided what we are currently experiencing and if they did we would not be experiencing everything we currently are.  We would be stocked up on everything we need and we would have known what course to take and we would have had all the resources already in place and we could have deployed them within a matter of hours.  But they were not there from the former presidents and Administrations, that is a sad fact.  So that alleviates blaming Trump for not being ready for this. I'm not going to debate the subject and that's all I wanted to say about it.

Bottom line is we did not have an advance warning that is the hardcore reason and what is happening is happening. There was no way to properly prepare for this unfortunate event and hopefully we will learn from what we have to endure.

So relax a bit,  do not be trying to do things that are just plain against Common Sense, help those that you can and be safe.   Think and be strong is the best you can do. Once the crisis is over things will get back to normal in due course.

Regardless, we are here and we will remain committed to running our forum and giving you an outlet for gaming communications and related matter. I do have some exciting and new avenues to add to our Forum here at BetSelection, in conjunction with one of our new commercial sponsors. We are currently planning for our gaming endeavors, exploits and interests at brick-and-mortar casinos which are reality related, with interaction to be brought into our Forum.

In the meantime be safe, take care of yourself and those around you.

Sincerely, Alrelax. Board Owner and Administrator.
From the Wynn & Encore:

In order to keep our employees and guests safe, we have decided to close Wynn Las Vegas and Encore on Tuesday, March 17, at 6 pm. We anticipate that we will be closed for two weeks, after which we will evaluate the situation.
Almost all Las Vegas Casino will close:

Here is the announcement from MGM:

Las Vegas Resorts Temporary Closure Information
MGM Resorts will temporarily suspend operations at its Las Vegas properties, effective Tuesday, March 17. Casino operations will close at midnight on Monday, March 16, followed by hotel operations.

We will continue to support our employees, guests, and communities in every way that we can during this period.

We are taking reservations for arrivals beginning Thursday, April 2nd. We look forward to welcoming you to your favorite MGM Resort soon.
It is an election year, the democrats and the republicans are fighting since Clinton/Democrats lost larger than ever!  Everything is cyclic, calm down.  Don't you remember H1N1 from Mexico, 300,000 USA infected, 12,000 to 20,000 confirmed deaths.  Great media thing right now, everything is instant everything now, google, Facebook, messaging, etc.  Almost no more real mail, fax, etc.  Everything has to be right now, that is our society because of money, the tech age, etc.  The media is having a field day, more clicks--more viewers, equal more revenue, simple.  Yes there is a disease but diseases come and go every so often like this. 

I remember gas station rationing in the mid 70's, i was in high school, i worked at a gas station.  Energy crisis, oil crisis, etc.  Our so-called gas and oil reserves in the USA were almost out.  So the government made gas rationing, Don't forget this was before the emissions stuff on cars and the cars were lucky if they got 10-15 MPG at best.  The rationing was odd numbered license plates one day and even the next and max of 10 gals. Of course you could have went to two stations and got 20 gallons, LOL, no computers back then to track anything.  Anyway, all that did was cause crisis and made emissions for the cars and trucks come about and made gas prices go from 40 cents and 50 cents to like well over $1.00 within a month or less. The list goes on.

Yes right now there is a panic and it suits the media, the democrats and other people.  It hurts once again the hard working people and the small business owner, that makes an honest living and work hard.  If they build more hospitals and  medical centers and do not need them, their way out is "we saved hundreds of thousands of lives if not millions" or "we were ready for the worst", and "Lucky we did not need it".  If they do not and we needed it, they also win because they were right and the other side was wrong. The republicans win if it is not as bad as it is supposed to be, but lose if they do not take all the action the democrats are calling for.

As far as all the numbers, why is it the political and the news media is calling for Chaos and panic.  Why is not every hospital, doctor and medical professional all screaming, protesting and demanding everything the media and politicians are?  Numbers do not add up, sorry.  I am not saying either side is lying or exaggerating, just saying, it does not honestly add up.

And by the way, why is it the medical and health field as well as the insurance field always seems to have a hand in all these kind of things?  Oh let us not forget about the wonderful pharmaceutical companies. 
As far as H1N1 virus:

Additionally, CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated. ** Globally, 80 percent of (H1N1)pdm09 virus-related deaths were estimated to have occurred in people younger than 65 years of age.Jun 11, 2019

As far as Coronavirus:


Everything along these lines in cycles.  Same with H1N1 or whatever it was. If you remember from our neighbor, the Mexicans:

"The virus had spread to the US from an outbreak in Mexico. As of mid-March 2010, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that about 59 million Americans contracted the H1N1 virus, 265,000 were hospitalized as a result, and 12,000 died"