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Messages - Sputnik


Hi Warrior - i have 60.000 placed bets flat betting and with positiv progression that overcome the house edge with La Partage Rule.
Even Money - maybe you can learn from that - i can pm you the author name if you want - i base all my testing upon similar methods and principals.

I just did a test where i gain 100 units with 1000 placed bets flat betting ...

 Hi Bally that was a nice idea ...

March 07, 2018, 05:51:37 PM

Very nice stats JL - thanks ...

 Is fine - does who learn the hard way spending a life time with hints and quit playing the game with no succés.
So it does not help any member in this forum with empty words and claims that are equal a lie in my book.

Some members will continue write with empty words and empty claims and some members will understand what's facts and fiction.
But you can not warning them all from members like you, it would not be a wast of time, but a wast of my personal time and agenda spending time on gambling forums.

So i have nothing against you other then i know your true colours  :thumbsup:

March 07, 2018, 05:05:34 PM
Well you missunderstand me - lets assume you have 15 winning strikes and 1 losing strike and use hit and run - are you chance better to hit a winning sequence or is your chance better hitting a losing sequence?
I understand this is variance and i also understand that the results even out towards 1 in 8 in the long run.

But with simple observation of your results with your coding you can see that several winning strikes in a row is more common then losing strikes.
I know we can not know the future.

But when i entering the live wheel i will one day face the odds 1 in 8 where i will get 8 winning strikes and one losing strike - then do i have a greater chance hitting one winning strike versus a losing strike with the odds 1 in 8 - and other day i might have the situation where i will face 25 winning strikes and 1 losing strike - then what is the probability that i will hit one of the 25 winning strikes versus the 1 losing strike.

Then there will be days when there is no variance and i get 1 in 8 and lose one single sequence - how many times does that happen during all does days when you randomly face variance with more winning strikes then losing strikes - there has to be a % or a median value for the strength behind the imblance where you peak is around 50/50 and that is not 1 in 8 when you count varaince and fluctation into the game in the short term.

I show the measuring model for this and i have never with all my testing and observation seen any true odds become a reality when you  count varaiance and fluctation into the calculation for the strike ratio for the imbalnce part.

The closest explination i can get to this that is similar is the following and i quote a member from other forum with the name Mike:

There is something called Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) which finds the most likely probability based on the data. In that case you take the "current" probability to be the actual probability, and you can update it as you get more data.


Asking questions that already has been deal with examples and discussion.
I can easy show strikes around 5 10 15 20 25 to 30 and 35 times in a row with all existing baccarat shoes - i already solve this puzzel.

The question should be when to enter and exist each bias to catch the next coming one.
You will only get valid and true answer from me with hard core facts and real examples.

From others you will only get opinions and empty talk that show you nothing.
Hints you can not use with real money and are a waste of time.

This discovery is much better then S40 and NOR from BTC.

March 07, 2018, 07:43:56 AM
The problem with the test result is that they are false positiv.

For example you have more winnings then losing selections - so when you use hit and run you are more certain to hit a winning bet then a losing bet - let me illustrate this - assume you have 15 winning selections and one losing selection for the next eight hours - then you decide to jump on board with this particular live wheel online to play pattern breaker - then the probability is on your side that you will hit one of does 15 winning strikes with your first Banker bet - the true odds is 15 to 1 with this situation.

Another day you might have 25 winning selections and one losing selections - then the true odds is 25 to 1 using hit and run.
But other days the odds might be worse with 8 winning selections and 2 losing selections - but still pretty good chance hitting a winning strike among does results using hit and run.

So the probability and the true odds come in cycles and are not static as Coder Joes Test Results.

So when coder joe code the pattern breaker he make it continues flow where there is no beginning or end of the results.
Each day a gambler enter the table he does not know what the wheel has done or will do in the future.
But coder joes test show us that you get sometimes several winning strikes that increase the probability hitting one winning bet once using hit and run as does are more then the losing selections.

This might be the reason why the Banker Bet Works - where you bet higher units size with the first bet and lower you unit size into the second bet operating with casino money - for example 5 10 20 and after that 113 ...

March 06, 2018, 07:48:44 PM

This is what i say
One person show a method with the name Ching A Ling method and most people start to say is not working

but some people try the method and report back making 5K and 30K
that is not a joke or something taking easy

the method is not a bust after a losing level and you can continue to recover and make new profits
the person behind the method report one lose of all four level once after several thousand (if i remember it correct) sessions and still up 25/28K
i have to take that serious when members start to stop posting and playing the method full time

Now if you can make 2 year of income using a EC method - then i don't care what people have to say about negativ expectation and house edge
Conclusion is that several members report succés using the method and still people say it could not be done - how stupid is that - i don't care about long term result as i will not live that long
Same situation with PB - several members have report succes and still you have people saying it can not be done

March 06, 2018, 07:00:05 PM
Quote from: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 06, 2018, 04:01:06 PM
Hi Sputnik. I play 5 to 10 games per day NEVER MORE.

My first game of the day is played between 3.30am and 6.00am. Then I will have breakfast and play two more games. I will play one to 3 games between 12 to 3pm. And 1 to 3 games between 5 to 8pm.

Still that first game out performs them all.

No simulator will EVER replicate what happens in the real world..Computer nerds who haven't got the patience to even play 100 REAL GAMES. Want to tell me they know what will be. Because a flawed unreliable simulator showed them a graph.

It doesn't work. You have to play REAL GAMES. With a live dealer. At various times throughout the day to mirror my results.

Not test a bunch of spins. Then tell me im telling porkies. Because they didn't match what I claimed to achieve.

The EXACT reason I don't sit there all day like a gormless fool playing incessantly, is because I KNOW I WOULD LOSE.

PBR married together with H&R is invincible. It will be making me money for life. Along with the 2 step version I now play aswell.

Were I to sit there and play 100 games a day. I WOULD LOSE MONEY. I am under no illusions about that.

But you just cannot get this fact into a math obsessed computer geeks head. They don't get this and neverwill.

As Brett Morton said in his great book PLAYING TO WIN. Einstein claimed the only way to win at roulette..was to steal the money when the dealer wasn't looking.

But Einsteins attitude never stopped him from making his living from roulette. And it will never stop me.

You can have TOO MUCH respect for math and all the bunk put forward. To stop you from EVEN TRYING..And the people who fall for that B.S will die believing this game is invincible.

Sad for them. I will play PATTERN BREAKER in all its incarnations for the rest of my life. And leave the blueprint in my will for my children and their children. Should they want to make their own money and way in life. Without having to take orders from anyone. Be their own person. That's what PB affords any who stay with it faithfully.

The reason I use so many accounts Sputnik is simple..I have to stay under the radar as best as I can..Once these bastards realize you have them beat. They will shut you down. They only want losers. Once they know you will ALWAYS be winning money in the longterm. You are enemy number one. That's why I have to rotate my play. Never play at the same casino more than twice a week.

If I had one or two accounts..And im taking 500 to a 1000 off them every week. It won't be long before they stop me. If im taking 25 to 50 off 11 accounts. There will be plenty taking alot note than that. So I won't stand out. Do you get me Sputnik??

JL i understand.
I will send you a personal message ...

March 06, 2018, 09:46:06 AM

JL i will test playing PB and try to copy your play/game.
Is there anything i need to change on the list?

1) Start each game with one Banker bet and after that lower you bet size until you quit playing or reach a loss.

I have acconts and money on following online casinos:

a) 5Dimes
b) Sbobet
c) Bet365
d) Unibet
e) William Hill
f) Betfair

How many session do you play each day - early day time - middle day time - late day time ??
And how come you spread all your bankroll into so many online casino - is there a strategic reason for that ??

March 05, 2018, 08:08:29 PM

Thank for your answer JL ...

I have one last question - how do you track for results using online casinos ...

Ask because i don't like to be online with live table and not place bets - then after some time being not active you need to enter again or push and click on some functions to let the live feed stay alive.
One solution i been looking at is that some casinos with live wheels have a live score board with live results that you can view before entering the game - is that how you do it?

March 05, 2018, 06:51:58 PM

JL you wrote you make some kind of Banker bet - is that a three step Marty with higher unit size - for example 5 10 20 - after that i understand you play with lower unit size until you lose or go home with profit - is that correct understanding.

How many times with real play have you experience two loses after each other?
Read about another member at other forum board who made around 300/400 session and encounter to loses after each other once or twice - do you have the same experience.

JL how does a visit to the casino look like - i could after a simple test see that you get a trigger after 30/40 spins tracking all EC positions.
Do you play all three when the qualify?

When do you take a break for some soda and sandwish - do you take a break and tracking several tablies in the same time.
Do you play online or only real casino.


March 04, 2018, 04:13:29 PM

That was good that you can observe and get a visual over the L/W sequence - have read that some one only once got two loses in a row during 400 sessions and with your simulation is pretty common.
Missing the function to click on F9 to get new sample with new results.

March 04, 2018, 10:12:51 AM

But the code was a waste of time - we who has experience and been around for 10 year or more know that all existing systems fail after several simulations.
When are we going to see a test that show us what a system is made of - what kind of variance and imbalance it create during the short term.
We know everything even out towards expectation in the long run.

For example - why did you not show us the true odds?
Assume you would count for how many times you win before the eight pattern show for each and every cycle and measuring does values to give us the median value for the 50% probability benchmark in the short term.

The coding modell below is what i use then exploring sleepers (no matter amount of numbers) and i never get the true odds and where the 50% benchmark is something else then the true odds.

Cycle's - Strikes - Skips

We can use different spread of numbers/sectors.
They will come in cycles.
Sometimes they will sleep and not hit with expectation.

This method can you use with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 numbers

I see this as you measuring the random fluctations hit ratio or bias.
Where the numbers hit ratio give us a medium value that we can take advantage of.

We can chose to play when our numbers hit or we can attack when they have fall to sleep.

Skip Streak System by Apache:

First I want tell I build this system using Ion Saliu concepts :
Skip, Streak, and Median Value.

Example :

Roulette Number: 6
Hits > 24 times
Skips > 51 43 104 1 2 29 37 77 79 15 130 15 12 7 11 131 11 129 8 16 20 14 21 12

* Sorted Skips: 1 2 7 8 11 11 12 12 14 15 15 16 20 21 29 37 43 51 77 79 104 129 130 131

* Median Skip: 16

So number 6 hit 24 times. The first row - called Skips - show ( to the right to left) the skips of number 6. Number 6 show. After 12 spins, show again, after 21 spins show again, after 14 spins number 6 show again etc. The last three skips of number 6 are 104, 43, 51.

The second row - called - Sorted Skips show all the skips for a particular number in ascending order.

The three row called - Median Skip - show the median value of the sorted skips. The median is the middle value of a string of numbers. In this example the median value of skips is 16. It should not be confused with the average. So the Median Value is the middle value in a string of values.

Therefore 50% of the values are within the median or less, and 50% are within the median or more. In my example of number 6, the skip median is 16. That mean that 50% of the time number 6 hits within a skip of 16 or less.

Now if in the string of skips of number 6 I mark :

with sign (+) I mark if the skip is greater than median value of skips
with sign (-) I mark if the skip is small than median value of skips
with sign (=) I mark if the skip is equal with median value of skips

I obtain this :


51  43  104  1  2  29  37  77  79  15  130  15  12  7  11  131  11  129  8  16  20  14  21  12

+   +    +  -  -   +   +   +   +   -    +   -   -  -   -    +   -    -  -   =   -   -   -   


We bet on the numbers which have a 3 consecutive streak of skips greater than the median value of skips. ( That mean three consecutive + )

In our example number 6 is qualified because the last three skips ( consecutive ) are 104, 43, 51. We have + + + ( three consecutive value of skips, greater than median value of skips. 16

(104 > 16) (43 > 16) (51 > 16)

1.Bet on numbers with encounter 3 consecutive signs +
2.Bet on numbers with encounter 4 consecutive signs + (tight bettors)
3.Bet on numbers until hit.
4.Bet on numbers for 37 spins
5.Bet on numbers for a number of spins equal with the median value of skips. ( In this example we bet number 6 for 16 spins)

Money managament : Flat bet.
March 04, 2018, 08:37:16 AM

Well i have seen several members report succés with Pattern Breaker and have a hard time to understand why all this members would lie.
Patern Breaker has the same issue as Ching A Ling method - members start to report winning 5K and 30K and some vanish from the forum boards and start to play full time.
Guess what - still there was some members who say that the method does not work and you can not win.
Can you see what's wrong with this picture.
