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Baccarat Forum / Re: Session From Hell
Yesterday at 02:49:52 PM
In my humble opinion. anyone who plays baccarat where the is an ante or some other fee is in the same category as someone who plays blackjack which pays 6 to 5 instead of 3 to 2 for a blackjack......not the smartest decision you will make that day.
Off-topic / Re: Photo Ops
May 08, 2024, 11:48:10 PM
Turning the picture on post #13 upside down.......seems like it would be more artistic.
Off-topic / Yes..... this is real....hard to believe
April 19, 2024, 09:30:34 PM

I realize most of have read this story........but I could not resist posting again in case spme of you haven't read about it.....................has to be my favorite story of the decade.:

Off-topic / Re: Dinner and discussion of autos
April 03, 2024, 05:39:24 AM
When I was young, I drove a Ford Pinto up to Montreal, Canada from New York City and then back down to New York City and then drove it cross country from New York City to Los Angeles.....about 4000 miles and slept in the car........and this was the Ford Pinto that exploded when the gas tank blew up if you were hit from behind..................also me and a buddy of mine  drove  from Oxford England across on a ferry to Holland and then drove to Belgium Germany Luxemburg Denmark .....put the car on another ferry and drove up to Stockholm Sweden and then back all the way to Oxford  England......about 2500 miles .......all this in an English 10 year old Anglia car where you could not get car parts or even a spare tire anywhere in Europe .........bought a tent and a small propane stove and  about 30 cans of food to cook on the stove and slept in the tent.....and this was before cell phones, the internet, personal computers etc etc....absolutely no way to contact anyone if the car broke down or something bad happened...............this is what young men do when you are 21 years old and do not have any functioning brain cells.
General Discussion / caught red handed
March 20, 2024, 10:42:10 PM
Just can't trust anyone when filthy lucre is involved

General Discussion / Re: $10.000 deposits
March 07, 2024, 01:29:05 PM
Also, if you have a safety deposit box in a bank, and you think that everything in the box is ""safe"........I strongly suggest that you read the 3 or 4 page instructions which the bank gave you when you opened the box.

If you threw them away, I suggest you call your bank and have them mail it to you.

If you read it, you will probably see that if the bank receives instructions from any type of government agency,,,,,IRS......Secret Service .....Homeland Security.....etc etc......they can order the bank to lock your bank first and then the bank must notify you by mail that the box is locked one or two days after the box is locked........so you will not be able to open your box and remove any "interesting" items you may have stored in the box.

The only thing "safe" about a safety deposit bank box is that important documents such as insurance policies, social security cards, birth certificates, last will and testaments etc etc  will be safe in case your house burns down and all your important papers burn with your house.
General Discussion / $10.000 deposits
March 05, 2024, 11:42:40 PM
There are probably some other posts regarding depositing or withdrawing $10,000 or more from your bank account,,......but if you missed those posts. the link below  may refresh your memory if you are thinking of depositing or withdrawing $10,000 or more from your bank account...... money obtained from gambling winnings or other financial transactions..............     

 I have a feeling that there is alot of money hidden in mattresses or buried in the back yard in the USA as well as the rest of the world.

Do you mean to tell me that the email I got from Nigeria is a scam.......which stated that a Nigerian Prince had been left $ 50,000,000 from his father in his will and that he needed  $40,000 to release the funds....and if I sent him the $ 40,000 he would give me         
$ 1,000,000 as a fee.

I was going to send the $ 40,000 tomorrow........now I am having second thoughts,
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
February 18, 2024, 04:09:22 PM
Here is another well known and one of the most widely read books on trading, investment, bubbles, psychology  etc etc etc

Written by "Edwin Lefevre" who was actually famed market trader Jessee Livermore from the early 1900's to the 1930's.

Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
February 15, 2024, 10:51:15 PM

This is the most well known book on "bubbles" with which I think most people are familiar...........written by Charles Mackay in 1841.

Should be required reading for anyone considering any type of investment.

Seems like the same things occur over and over again....history always repeats

Adulay.......unfortunately looks you got "hooked"    ........losing by 1/2 point.

Happens all the time.
The most important person in the Super Bowl is not a player but Stephen Christopher Spagnuolo, who is the KC Defensive Coach and was responsible for shutting down the Baltimore Ravens.

If he can shut down the SF offence, KC is the winner.

As far as Mahones, we will find out how good he really is if Kelce retires ,,,because how many hundreds of times have you seen Mahones  scrambling and then finding Kelce for an    8 to 12 yard gain?

If you don't have the greatest tight end of all time to get you out of a jam when you are scrambling, then you are looking at

1. A pass out of bounds
2, An incomplete pass
3. A fumble
4. An interception

It only takes 1 or 2 of those plays a game to turn a winning game into a loss.
I will now tell everyone who will win the Super Bowl and I will 100 % guarantee that I will be right.

So who will win the Super Bowl ??????????????????????

The winner of the Super Bowl will be..........................

Wait for it....wait for it..............

The winner of the Supe Bowl will be...................

The team that scores the most points

I apologize...I couldn't resist it......feel free to delete this post.

Sports Betting Forum / bye bye CEO
January 25, 2024, 10:39:18 PM
Looks like another Las Vegas scandal


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